Things I’m enjoying today…
- Cleaning my house and getting ready for my family from Ohio to visit! {insert a happy little dance}
- Having windows open-in March!!! Seriously?! I told my husband last night that this weather feels more like May than March. And more like May than April. It is weird, really. It has been sultry and just feels like springy storm weather.
- Watching my daughter in her darling braids, walk across the yard.
- Having my husband’s Peterbilt sitting outside my backdoor. Looks good!
- Sitting down to blog a little bit.
- Looking forward to working on a porch for our house next week.
- Hanging clothes on the line and not having to use the dryer. Yay to lowering the electricity bill!
- Getting the guest room ready. I’ve never had a guest room before.
- Contemplating on Jen Hatmaker’s book, “7:An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess” that I started reading this week. Do not read it if you do not want to feel convicted about your American lifestyle.
- Thinking about this week’s Bible study session from “Believing God” and speaking the Word.
- Putting clean sheets on the beds and having them all freshly made. I love having everything picked up and in order and beds neatly made with pillows arranged and cute stuffed animals residing on the bed for my nieces to sleep in. Somehow during ordinary living things just don’t stay in their places.
- Being blessed by a kind word from a friend. I was just thinking the other day about how much our actions affect other people and many times we don’t even realize it. There are several times in my life that someone did a kind deed for me or said something very kind to me and I vividly remember each instance. I would guess that the actions and words have long been forgotten by the givers, but not by me. When I think of this I feel convicted and wonder how many times I have wounded someone by what I said or did and how many times I’ve missed out on blessing someone.
- Watching my kiddos on their scooters! I so enjoy watching them when they are doing things together.
- Still celebrating that I got my Suburban back the end of last week. Not having it available made me realize how much I like my Suburban and appreciate having it.
What have you enjoyed today?
Sounds like you have a lot of things to be happy about/thankful for! I am happy that a friend gave me flowers because she knows I’ve been having a hard time with something lately! Kind words, nice gestures go very far!
I was happy to be packing to come see you!! And happy that I’m tired now so hopefully I will sleep for a few hours before we leave!