My kitchen area…
This kitchen area doesn’t necessarily have a set of dream cupboards in it, but they work and they are an improvement over the old metal cupboards I had at our old house. Plus, I’m used to mismatched, because our old farmhouse had wooden cupboards for the upper cabinets and metal for the lower.
I also like the fact that I can be close to the school area and working on lunch all at the same time. Multi-tasking, you know?!
I won’t mind when we get the “real” kitchen installed, but I don’t mind my basement kitchen at all either. I’m glad to have a kitchen. I have to admit that when we moved my upright freezer over here, I was overwhelmed with an almost guilty feeling. I had the back of the pickup pretty full of frozen food and that wasn’t even all our food.
I felt very responsible as I contemplated on all the people all over the world that don’t have enough food ever.
Moving has been good for us. We’ve had to take stock of all the “stuff” we own. It has reinforced the concept that every single thing that we own, whether large or small, requires a piece of our time. It feels good to go through and get rid of “stuff”. I thought I did a pretty good job at going through things every so often and clearing out. But, when it came right down to clearing out EVERYTHING and going through EVERYTHING and moving EVERYTHING, there has been a lot of stuff that just needed to go!
How often do you
oRgAnIzE~sOrT~gEt RiD oF~cLeAn OuT~dEeP cLeAn~rEjUvAnAtE~
your living space?
My house is in dire need of a deep cleaning/purge. However I don’t really want to move anytime soon so I doubt it will get the deep purge it needs!!
On those mismatched cabinets – some paint and new knobs would bring them together and make them look ‘made-for-each-other’!! want me to bring some chalk paint out with me???
Yes, on the chalk paint…wonder what my dear husband would say… 😉
How fun to see your kitchen, and your whole house! I recognize that one length of cabinets. 🙂 I’m glad you can use them and think of Grandma. The rest of her cupboards are in our utility room. I always liked them and still do!!
May your home be used for the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. Love you, Danita
That part of the cabinets is fun-they remind me of Grandma and of my days spent at your house helping out! Seems like so long ago! I can’t believe your “baby” will soon be keeping house in her own home!