If you want to drill a wheat field, you need a drill to drill it with.
And you need some seed wheat to go in it.
And a drill fill auger to fill it with.
And then someone to run the drill fill auger.
And when you get your drill full of seed wheat then you can drill your field until the drill runs low and you need to fill it again.
And when you need to fill it again, you’ll need your truck of seed wheat and your drill fill auger again.
And…can you see where this is going?
INSERT {This is a song that does not end, yes, it goes on and on my friend, Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was and they’ll continue singing it forever, just because……………………………this is a song that does not end….}
You’ll need to switch out the kind of wheat you’re drilling and, of course, even if it is low, the drill is never empty, especially if you need to switch kinds, so you’ll have to clean out the drill.
If you’re going to clean out the drill, you’ll need a willing helper or two, and some buckets or feed bags,
and a scoop,
and a photographer, {optional}
and you can commence to emptying out the wheat that you put in with your drill fill auger at an earlier time.
Once you get it emptied it out, you can fill it up again with your other variety
and you can go drill,
and fill and drill and drill and fill,
and at some point you’ll be right back to the cleaning out the drill part again.
Three cheers for wheat drilled, anyhow!
{Bonus points if you can spy sOmEtHiNg in one of my photos that has significant meaning to our small farm’s history} {how’s that for very vague} {hey, bro, you should get it} {I have no idea what the bonus points are for. You can use them however you want}
Every time I pass it in my gov. issued truck, It reminds me of corny corn picker when he had bent snouts. It makes me sad to see its faded,bent auger,etc. state that it is now in.
Love the pics but I’m at a loss to the answer of your question. Evidently your bro knows what you’re talking about.
For some reason not all my post was printed.