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We recently read an interesting tidbit in our Manners Made Easy book.
It said that while napkin rings are mostly decorative today, they have an interesting origin.
Each family member used to have their own distinctive napkin ring. Napkins were used at more than one meal and each person wanted to make sure they had their own previously used napkin, thus the reason for distinctive napkin rings!
I thought it was interesting and a novel and good idea. We use cloth napkins for everyday most of the time. Some meals we hardly touch them; other times they definitely need headed for the dirty laundry hamper.
This made me think about easy napkin rings that my sister and I made many years ago.
They were made using the belt loops from any old and unwanted pair of denim jeans or a denim jean skirt.
I think we made them the year we got married or else very soon after. I remember having them and using them some in my first few years as a homemaker. At some point in time, I wasn’t using them very often and was in a cleaning out mood and I packed them up in my get-rid-of-box.
I had some old jeans of Tucker’s upstairs, that I had used to patch some other pairs of jeans, and I thought, “Hey, that would be a fun thing to do again.”
So, in just a few minutes I had denim napkin rings to go at each of our places. They’ve been very cute laying on the table and quite handy. We slip our napkins back in them if we want to reuse them, plus the whole looking-pretty-on-the-table thing. And I’m always about something that is practical AND pretty.
It looks much better to me having them tucked into the denim holders versus just laying on the table looking like someone forgot to gather up the napkins.
AND definitely, definitely, so my kind of project. The EASY kind!!! 😉
I used pinking shears to cut them out. If you want some denim napkin rings and don’t have old jeans, check with friends or family and check out a Goodwill store or consignment shop. Usually old jeans aren’t too hard to come up with.
One of the best ways to get old jeans is by having a growing and active son or two. Then you need to buy stock in jeans!!!
The denim rings make a really cute addition to a western themed party or cowboy event.
Another really cute idea is to use red bandannas as your napkins.
I personally think they can be cute with a lot of different themes. But, I’ve always liked the whole denim and pearls look. Simple, with a touch of fancy type thing.
And you could easily personalize them for each family member if you so desire! You could embroider an initial or use glitter glue or anything else you were inspired to try! You could stitch a design on each or cut them out in different shapes. Ours are all a little different, but I didn’t especially mark them. We just leave them at our places and it’s worked for us!
Do you ever use napkin rings?

Oh my. What Memories! I’d forgotten about those completely! Will have to remember now to use this idea again sometime!
I know!!! Hadn’t thought of them for years. I’ve been thinking recently that we’re getting old enough that we have HISTORY in our lives!! 🙂 🙂