My daughter has been a busy and dedicated animal mommy during the months of May and June.
Right now her particular babies are three baby bunnies. They are eating and growing!! We really weren’t sure if they would. She has been feeding them milk from an eye dropper and faithfully harvesting dandelions and clover everyday. She recently started putting milk in their dish and they were drinking it. And they started eating some of the rabbit food we bought at our local farm store.
Some friends kindly lent us their bunny cage, so the babies’ home was upgraded! One of the bunnies is quite a go-getter. She managed to escape through the bars of the bunny cage twice. Daddy suggested wrapping the lower part of the cage with saran wrap and that has held the little Houdini in so far.
We don’t have a garden this year. My husband decided we were not going to add that to our summer. Too many other things happening. We are going to be so sad when it’s July and we don’t have sweet corn!! The very first year we were married we didn’t have a garden, but we have every other year. And we love our sweet corn! I’m not a true blue gardener. My farmer man is much more of a gardener than I am, but he also seems to get pretty busy in the summer, with-you know-farming, and doesn’t have a lot of extra time for gardening. He plans to have a huge garden starting the day he retires. Anyway-I am kind of off on a rabbit trail{pun intended}.
I had to laugh when we were rescuing the baby bunnies. I told my kiddos that next year we will probably be chasing bunnies out of our garden and be none too happy with them. My mother-in-law has had a lot of rabbit thieves in her garden the last few years. They can really do a number on the plants!
On the subject of gardens I have to give a shout out to my dear mother-in-law. She always has a beautiful, Kansas garden. I think gardening runs in her family. Her dad really liked to garden. I remember him being here the first summer we were married and he would go out to her garden and pull up little, green onions and eat them straight from the ground!
Not only does she have a great garden she shares with me. Most summers I get cucumbers from her and make pickles. Last week she called and told me she had green beans for me if I wanted them. I was excited! This was a bad summer not to have a garden, because my jars of green beans and my corn in the freezer are both dwindling. I gladly accepted her offer for beans. Not only did she say I could have them, but she had already picked them! I don’t mind snapping beans and I enjoy canning them, but oh, the picking! I felt very spoiled and blessed. And it was nice to add 6 quarts and 1 pint of beans to my pantry.
What have you been caring for or canning?!
I have been caring for my Mother. No canning yet but we had delicious fresh peas for a couple meals this week. I love that your kids have such a neat place to grow up and so many neat lessons of life they can experience. God is so good!!!
And a blessing that Grandma has so many willing caregivers!
I loved reading this! And the pictures are awesome 🙂 Our cat recently caught and ate 3 baby bunnies. The girls were NOT happy. I wasn’t too impressed that they were babies but we don’t really need more wild animals running around in town! And I do like that she is catching so many squirrels and birds so I could hardly be offended that she also caught rabbits. SHE didn’t know they were babies!
As for what I’ve been doing – sewing, creating, dreaming of what I want my business to be! And we finally finished the upper stair project!! Picture gallery was finished up last night 🙂 Blog post coming soon!