On a simple Tuesday morning, in the midst of August, in the year of our Lord, two thousand and twenty…

I’m anticipating…
• that life will not always be as it is today. In an upheaval and uncertainty of days. In a madness of strong opinions and fears on either end of the pendulum. In a swirl of pandemic days, illness, masks, upended routines and raw emotions. We humans react to a shaking in our days. Our God is never shaken. A certainty in uncertainty is the truth that nothing lasts forever. Life is ever changing. Time marches on. Our God is unchanging. Timeless. Full of compassion and mercy.
• that life will not always be as it is today. This August Tuesday of 2020 will not come again. Will I choose joy in spite of questions? Will I pause and praise? Am I remembering the consistent threads of Scripture that focus on gratitude and thanksgiving? Did I make a mental note to smile more and laugh out loud? Am aware that what I consume begins to consume me? What if I take in more Scripture than I take in opinions?
• that life will not always be as it is today. So, crank up the music! Pick a favorite praise song or a jazzy beat. Rise and shine and give God the glory! Tomorrow is absolutely never promised. Spend 30 minutes in a creative outlet. Perform a random act of kindness. Breathe grace in. Breathe grace out. Put needed boundaries in place. Sit on your porch in the stillness of summer sounds and locust staccato. Look in your people’s eyes and say, “I love you.” Fighting for the joy and delight is often a daily battle. It’s real, friends. It’s protection for our souls. Our God sings over us with joy. He is mighty to save! Our world could use a few more Pollyannas in it, on this simple Tuesday, in the middle of August, in the year of our Lord two thousand and twenty.
1 Thessalonians 1:4-5
“For we know, brothers and sisters LOVED BY GOD, that He has chosen you, because our gospel did not come to you in word only, but also in power, in the Holy Spirit, and with full assurance.” {emphasis mine}