The idea entered my head last week to look up when I officially posted my first blog post. I knew it was coming up, but didn’t know the exact date. I know September was my first full month of blogging in 2011, but the exact start date has never stuck with me.
I’d entertained the thought, but hadn’t carried through.
This afternoon, I sat down after lunch and I brought up my August 2011 archives and, WELL, today is THE DAY.
Happy Birthday to A Delightful Glow!!!
I posted this one-year post in 2012.
Four years, ago I typed “I have a baby blog!” and A Delightful Glow was born.
Mrs. Farmwife was one of my very first posts and as I read it now, I can see a lot of style in it that has become part of what A Delightful Glow is. It’s been fun to watch my blog grow and change and to see many ways it has blessed me and helped me learn techie, computery things and learn life lessons and delight in my daily! It’s had its frustrations too, of course. Is there a thing in life that doesn’t?!
Rejoicing wouldn’t be quite the same with no struggles ever. It just wouldn’t quite have the sweetness, because we wouldn’t grasp how very good, the good thing is.
I love my Monday memories and I love my farmposts. I love slowly filling a three-ring binder with my recipes, printed from my blog. {Three-ring binders are handy-dandy things. I posted about organizing photos in them just last week.} A new favorite is my Yarn-Along posts. I like seeing other gals’ knitting projects in the link-ups I participate in and I’ve long-loved books, so it makes them fun, fun posts.
A couple of questions…………
If you blog, what are some of your favorite types of posts?
If you DON’T blog, but you like to read blogs, what are some of your favorite topics and types of posts?
I also enjoy my Lilla Rose. If you haven’t entered, there is a flexi giveaway going on right now for another day or so. Go enter!
I shot these pictures in a silly mood of fun one day when I was taking some other photos for my blog. Somehow they seemed just right for this post. They speak to me of the aspect of “me” that entails blogging. My love of photos and words and beauty and composing and journaling and baking and laughter and trying to count my blessings, rather rolls all together and comes out as blogging. It has become a passion and hobby and connection and a big part of my life that I love. Camera in hand doesn’t always mean “blog” to me, yet it is a big part of it! Thus, the photos fit!
Four years. Hard for me to believe!
It’s rather fun to look at my August 2011 archives. My children have certainly changed!
Psalm 118:24
This is the day the Lord has made;
let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Congrats!! 🙂 You’ve done a beautiful job, and your heart definitely reflects a delightful glow through your blog. 🙂 I would like to start a blog one day, but I am so busy and I really don’t know exactly what I would blog about. I have so many ideas, but I would just like to be an encouragement and write about whatever would honor the Lord. I’ll keep on praying about it. Thank you for being an inspiration. 🙂
Thanks for you sweet, kind, encouraging words. I do love blogging and do love focusing on the positive, but I am all too real too, and fail much more often than I’d like at shining the light for Jesus the way I really desire. 🙂 I’m always thankful for His grace and for family and friends that forgive and love me anyway.
Blogs do take time. But anything does. Sometimes the hard part of new things and ventures is choosing the right path or the best direction. Sometimes there isn’t a tried and true answer. Do keep praying!
If you do feel led to start blogging, I would say, “Just jump in there and blog.” There will be ups and downs just like with anything in life. There will be days you don’t feel like it. There will be days you’ll want to blog all day. AND, if you do start, and then feel it isn’t for you after all, it’s ok. You don’t have to. Or it may be one of those things that you walk through and stick with it and for the most part, end up loving it! 🙂
Money Saving Mom and Amy Lynn Andrews both have posts about starting a blog. InCourage is a great community of women writing to encourage and inspire.