Nurse Nancy.
Another Little Golden love! I didn’t have this book when I was a kid. It was one I became acquainted with when I was the mama and my kiddos were the, well, little kiddos!
I love it all the same!
It catches the imagination and pretend play of childhood! And it isn’t Eloise Wilkin, but the pictures are very fun and sweet!
I dug in my cedar chest for today’s Yarn Along.
This baby sweater set was knitted and gifted to me by my aunt when Renae was born. She made them for all her grandchildren and I always loved them. Such sweet sets! Bonnet, sweater, and booties! I still love them, even though they’re not chevron or polka dots like much of the baby stuff now is. I love the chevron and all the fun designs today, too. Yet, I still love classic and I love vintage.
I adore many of the styles you see on Prince William and Princess Kate’s babies. Baby George has some very dear smocked outfits. Just precious.
Baby booties ~
So fun to look at this baby sweater and remember dressing my tiny baby girl in it!
I’m still reading on these… others!
You can pre-order both of these books right now. I highly recommend them! Go pre-order or add them to your Christmas list! Hoodwinked releases Nov. 3 and Audacious releases Nov. 1.
I’m about halfway along with this dishcloth. I’m questioning if I’m going to have quite enough yarn to finish it??? We have other bits and pieces, so I can just tie on to it if I need to. I don’t think I have any more of this color, but it can just become a dishcloth-to-use-in-our-kitchen!
Tell me ~ what’s a favorite book of yours?
Linking up ~
Ginny and Frontier Dreams

I love the look and your description of that Nurse Nancy book. And that sweater set – oh my. Beautiful. When my boys were born (late 80’s-mid-90’s) it seems no one I knew (including myself) hand-knitted or crocheted baby things. But we had a sweet little sweater of my husband’s that his grandmother crocheted for him that had survived over 35 years so each of my guys got a turn wearing that. I love vintage baby things, too. And the modern. It’s all sweet.
How fun to have a sweater of your husband’s to wear on your boys!
Baby stuff is all sweet. I still love to browse the baby department. I loved having real pacis and bottles for my dolls when I was growing up. I remember buying a few outfits for my dolls from the baby section, also!
I loved my Golden books when I was young. I will have to check out the Beth Moore title. Thanks for the recommendations!
Yes! Definitely check out Audacious!
Golden Books are the best! 🙂
I want to read Beth’s book sometime. Love the title! And I love the little sweater set – makes me think of the fun vintage stuff I had for my girls. Oh but those baby/toddler years flew by in a hurry. Didn’t really feel like it at the time when I was sleep deprived and worn out from hauling them around but now? Blink of an eye is all it was.
Fast and slow all at the same time. One of life’s mysteries!!
Audacious is very worth reading! I love Beth’s heart for Jesus and for women. She has walked some difficult roads.