Every Wednesday, over at Small Things, Ginny hosts a Yarn Along link-up. I was intrigued when I recently discovered it and I knew it would be fun to link up.
I only knit dishcloths, so I don’t have a huge variety of knitting projects. And my knitting is come and go. I’ll have it out and then I won’t pick it up for a while.
I’ll think about it or see a knitting project or come across something like Yarn Along and become inspired again!
At the Yarn Along link-up ladies showcase their knitting projects and a book they’re reading. How fun!
I do enjoy my knitting and I love to read, so I wanted to join in.
My knitting project may not change too much, but I’m usually reading more than one book. 🙂
Sometimes my progress on my book is slow, too.
Add in taking fun pictures of your stuff and it definitely appealed to me!
I’ve been reading Dear Mr. Knightley and it is a very fun book. If you are a Jane Austen fan, you won’t want to miss this one! It’s a unique style. The book is written with Sam, {Samantha} writing letters to Mr. Knightley. The whole book is this format. She doesn’t know him, but is required to write him letters as his foundation is funding her schooling and he is interested in her progress. Thus, she shares with him in an open, unthreatened way that the anonymity provides. Her life and background have not been an easy one and she’s learned to hide in her books and pull out characters to paraphrase and to come to her aid when she needs them in real life. I’ve been loving it!
This is my yarn-along! So fun! I hope to do it more, but you may have to see my same ole dishcloth at the same ole stage! 🙂 I also did think I could borrow some of my daughter’s projects to showcase. She’s been crocheting lately. I’ve never learned to crochet. She got a new crochet book for Christmas and pulled it out recently.
Happy Wednesday….and there’s a sale that started today at Lilla Rose if you hadn’t seen it yet!
I only knit scarves for the longest time! I eventually had a desire to cast on a sweater and it has been downhill ever since.
Oh how fun! Maybe some day I’ll be inspired to try a more challenging project. So far I haven’t and I have a lot of other things I love to do, too. 🙂
I knit a dishcloth with the exact same yarn for dd the other month. It is so pretty.
I love the multicolored yarns. Yet, solid colored dishcloths look so pretty, too!
I’m planning on exploring knitting over the next year (it’s one of my personal challenges). I will, no doubt, be making dishcloths and scarves for a while, so I look forward to seeing your creations. I love to wash my dishes with a pretty cloth.
My Grandma knitted lots and lots of dishcloths and gave them to her children and grandchildren. They are my favorite kind and pretty much all I have and use. She went home to Jesus a couple of years ago. I’m glad I can make them, but it was always special having dishcloths from her.
I like it when pretty and practical combine in everyday things!
Happy exploring on the knitting!!