Am I willing?
Am I really willing to let go?
In my daily devotional, I’ve been reading about and studying about and thinking about letting go of my worries and fears and problems. Really letting go and trusting God and turning them over to Him. Really trusting His promises and even embracing problems and thanking Him for them.
So, am I willing?
Here’s the thing. I am willing. I think I’m willing.
Yet willing and easy don’t seem to be the same. At least for me.
I lay them down. I pick them back up. I lay them down. I tell God I want Him to take them and I am willing. I pray for answers and direction.
Then I feel it creeping in again. Worry worms it way in, wandering through the corridors of my mind. There it is creeping around. Till I remember and I call out and God answers and captures the worry and carts it away again.
I am so willing to give it all to Him. Yet, it doesn’t make problems themselves just GO AWAY. What it does give me, is more peace. It strengthens my faith and trust. It keeps me praying and dwelling in His presence.
I am willing, even though I keep slipping and I find myself plummeting over the edge of the precipice into the pit of fear.
I call out and He pulls me out.
He pulls me out of the miry clay and the sticky mess that my fear and worry makes.
He sets my feet back on that Rock.
Oh, how I thank Him.
Because life has problems. I’ve been struggling with some things and events and I’m unsure of the answers or the lessons I’m supposed to be learning. Willingly laying down my pressures and fears, doesn’t instantly produce the solution key with a step-by-step page of directions. How I wish it did at times! But it anchors me and it grows me. Most certainly.
And my God? He is so willing to take my problems for me. So willing, that He sent His Son, to die for me and to give me the gift of eternal life. WILLING.
Linking up with Lisa-Jo…

We had a similar discussion with our daughter this week. She’s eight years old, in a new school this year, and struggling with how to deal with frustrations. She’s gotten in trouble for yelling in class three times in the last week, and we were talking about how to deal with it better. I suggested she lift up her frustration to God, so she can let go of it. We’ll see how she does. Thanks for stopping by my blog and God bless.
Beautiful, Deborah… I appreciate your honesty and understand the laying down and picking up, only to do it all again. I’m so grateful that we walk with a God who understands our humanness and looks at our hearts. He sees our willingness in spite of our actions and he honors and blesses it. Thanks for sharing!
Why is it SO easy for worry to creep in? I constantly have to work on that one!