It’s time for our sixth Christmas Blessing Giveaway.
I’m delighted to join in with other women and bloggers to bring a cash giveaway as a gift and blessing to one of our readers during this Christmas season.
Participating Bloggers:
Woman to Woman Ministries http://w2wministries.org
Jenifer Metzger http://jenifermetzger.org
Katie Hornor http://katiehornor.com
Homeschooling Dietitian Mom http://homeschoolingdietitianmom.com
A Delightful Glow http://adelightfulglow.com
GROUNDED Ministry http://groundedministry.com
Mama’s Coffee Shop http://mamascoffeeshop.info
Changing Focus http://changingfocus.life
Wonder and Grace http://wonderandgracelifecoaching.com
Beyond the Stick Figure http://beyondthestickfigure.com
Life Walk GPS https://lifewalkgps.com
A Mama’s Story https://www.amamasstory.com
Skill Trek: Field Guide for Life https://www.skilltrekker.com
When You Rise Up http://whenyouriseup.com/blog/
iGoBOGO http://igobogo.com/
I keep pondering hope. The previous last few blog posts have highlighted hope and contemplated how hope shows up in various forms. It appears differently for each of us.
I have a list bringing me the theme of Listen + Light during this Advent season right here.
What is giving you hope as you celebrate Christmas this year? Even in a year of unsettling, of turmoil, of questions, of changed plans.
Gratitude inspires hope for me. It reminds me of what has been. It nudges me in remembering how my God is faithful in all, through all, come what may.
A simple gratitude list for me right now reads:
- my children
- steers wandering and grazing across our green winter wheat
- bread baking in the oven
- lighting candles every evening
- sparkly packages
- gold toenail polish
- many heartfelt ministries serving the needy around our globe
- the book of Luke
- abundant glorious grace
- Christmas cards in the mail
- squeezing my man’s hand tight when we stretch out under our comforter these winter nights
- a friend who texts me photos of good memories
- holding a mug of hot coffee in my hands
I’d love to hear your gratitude list. Let’s hang on to hope, my friends.
1 Thessalonians 5:11 ~ “So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing.”

Enter the
Christmas Blessing Giveaway
Giveaway rules: No purchase necessary. Must be 18 to enter. Void where prohibited by law. **Open to US/Canada residents only.** This giveaway is in no way sponsored, endorsed, or associated by Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or Pinterest. By entering this giveaway, you agree to release Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Woman to Woman Ministries, and all participating bloggers of all liability. Contest ends at 12:01am EST on December 14, 2020. Winning entry will be verified. Winner is randomly chosen by Rafflecopter and will be emailed.

I agree that gratitude inspires hope. It’s been such a hard year but I’m focusing on the good, the blessings. ❤️
Thank you for joining our blessing!