Wow! A week can go so fast and seem so long all at the same time.
I can’t believe it was just a week ago that the iPad Mini Giveaway started. The winner has been chosen and is listed in the top of the Rafflecopter box. Go check it out and see if you won…and celebrate with the winner!
We’ve had a lot happen in a week’s time, including several good-byes.
We helped friends finish their packing up for their move to Idaho for a year and we said good-bye to them. They’re gonna be missed. My kiddos have a lot of fun with their kiddos. Building forts in the woods is just one of the many things they’ve done together. Sometimes loving people hurts, because we miss them. But how empty and lonely life would be without people and friendships and fondness.
We tore our old house down. There are several pictures posted over on A Delightful Glow’s facebook page if you’re interested. Renae was a little sad to say good-bye to our old house, on Friday, when we started the tearing down process. But our kiddos had lived in that house ever since they were babies. And children don’t see all the issues like a terribly bad foundation, rotten windowsills, windows that all needed replaced, small doorways that made it so hard to move anything in or out, a funny floor plan, old metal kitchen cabinets, plaster walls full of cracks, very little insulation, and so the list goes. They just call it home and live life! What a blessing this is and so many lessons from it. While I am so thankful we’ve had a house always, I wasn’t that sad to see the house go. I still shiver thinking of some of the north winds that very strongly hit that house.
Friday night, Tucker was up in the night throwing up. HUGE MESS. And poor sickie boy. Bless, bless, bless my dear husband, who cleaned up the mess in the bed while I got Tucker settled on the couch in the basement. I’m still thanking him. My little man and I spent the rest of the night on the couches in the basement. He did not feel good, but this stomach bug also wasn’t as bad as some we’ve had in previous years.
Saturday morning Matthew headed back over to finish working on the demolition of the house. I was questioning just how well my stomach felt and by mid-morning I had succumbed to the bug, too. Matthew and Renae spent a good bit of the day over at the farm, working on the house and Tucker and I slept and watched movies and did nothing. By Sunday evening we were both feeling much, much better.
On Sunday evening my dad called and my Grandma had gone home to be with Jesus. We knew she was nearing the end, but it did come a little more quickly than I thought it would. We are happy for her, but it is still sad to say good-bye. Life is always changing. We have been blessed that many of our days our ordinary life, yet this past week shows me how much can happen in a short amount of time and we really never know. The end of this week will be the funeral for my Grandma. We appreciate the care and concern that so many people show in a sad time. God is ever faithful in His care of us!
Not time to post any pictures. I like posting pictures and will get back to it at a later date. Hug the people in your life today!

So much can happen in so little time. I am so exhausted already this week. Hoping to get some good sleep tonight. I do feel a little guilty that you and mom have to deal with all 3 of my girls though.
Hope you’re catching up on sleep now!
That is a lot of change in one week! I hope you guys are handling it okay!
We’re doing ok, but boy it seems like when it rains it pours! 🙂
I’m so sorry to hear about your loss & will keep you & your family in my prayers. I definitely agree that a lot can happen in a week & sometimes all we can do is just breathe & take it a moment at a time. Following from the Harvest of Friends hop.
Thank-you so much and thanks for stopping by!