We worship Him in a manger because we know we can worship Him as a 12 year old lad who astonished doctors and lawyers with His questions and answers.
We worship Him in a manger because we know we can worship Him as a young minister who did and spake things as no other man ever spake or did.
We worship Him in a manger because we know we can bow before Him on a rugged cross where we are ashamed because His suffering and shame were ours.
We worship Him in a manger because we know we can worship Him victoriously standing outside His opened tomb.
We worship Him in a manger because we know we can worship Him 24/7 on His throne right beside His Father’s throne.
by PJK (my father)
Go here to see my sister’s very similar post! 🙂
Now that I can finally get online again it’s fun to come see what pic you used with your post!! Have a great day!
🙂 Don’t you just feel disconnected without internet?! I was just musing about how many things about technology that I like and appreciate and thinking about the first few years we were married and I was living so far from my family. This is such a great way to stay connected!