The baby and toddler days have gone by at our house. Now that only happens when little friends or baby nieces visit.
But one of the many fun and helpful handy things about older kids is all the help that they are and all the things they can easily do themselves. My little people used to like to help ice cookies and cupcakes. It was fun, but it also took some work and effort and there was always messes to clean up. Now my older kids make short work of mixing up and icing cupcakes. They still think it’s lots of fun to pull out icing and sprinkles now and then.
I just sat back and took pictures. My daughter counted out cupcakes so they’d each have half to frost. Wonderful help and yummy treats!
What do your kids like to make?

Tucker is really looking older in this post! I have one in particular who likes to help in the kitchen quite a bit and my other two like to make messes still 🙂
Ah, messes! They certainly go with cooking and baking! 🙂
My kids have both grown a lot through the summer and fall! Happy and sad all rolled into one.
My older kids like to bake just about anything from cookies to cornbread. My little ones like to help pour in the ingredients and stir. I’ll admit I don’t let the Littles crack the eggs often because of getting shell in!
I let my kids break the eggs into a separate bowl and then we can fish out any eggshell if we need to. My son has loved cracking eggs ever since he was pretty small. It does seem like a boy thing.
It’s so much help having kids that can bake! And it really is fun to see how much they like to help and want to help when they’re little. 🙂
That’s a good idea!
It is bitter sweet when your kids suddenly grow up, and yes it is quite sudden! Praise the Lord that we have so many years to be with them and enjoy them! My DD is starting to cook on her own and while I still see her as a child I am realizing that she is old enough to understand that she needs to be careful while operating an oven or stove. So far her “specialty” is breakfast and we get it several times a week even at dinner but what mama can complain that their child wants to make dinner, especially when all these years we have sat there wishing someone else could do the kitchen “chores” just once!? Thank you for sharing your special moments with us.