Today is Tuesday, but not TAKOS Tuesday, {for Lego Movie Fans} and I didn’t take time yesterday to post a Memoir Monday post this week. It seemed I kept busy with other chores and things I wanted to catch up on. I feel a little better each week and I’m very thankful. It’s nice to feel like doing stuff again AND able to go about and do it! I was so excited to note one day that I was walking around and working in my kitchen with no pain in my leg, feet, or back!!
I did post about the Lilla Rose enrollment and I did add a photo to my Guest Room post that I forgot to include earlier. Don’t miss the giveaway happening right now for Joyfully Sewn Designs! It ends in a couple of days.
We had a good week last week. It was a cool week. We had more rain and we had 70 degree temperatures. We had friends who were supposed to go to swimming lessons last week and 3 out of the 6 days were canceled because it was raining or too cool! In July, no less! I certainly enjoyed open windows and listening to the birds and I also took a book to the hammock one afternoon. You must take advantage of this kind of weather anytime, but particularly in July, since it could just as easily have been, and quite often is, 110 degrees! It is hot again now and it has been humid. And the mosquitos always show up with rain!
I snapped these photos one day of my daughter’s turtle necklace and turtle flexi with her green sweatshirt! YES, we wore sweatshirts last week!! Lightweight ones, but they felt good. I love weather where I can wear sandals and a sweatshirt! 🙂
Renae decided one afternoon that soft pretzels sounded good, so she made some. It was a great week to have the oven on. I like taking pictures of my kiddo’s hands. Although it’s hard to catch them when they are busy at something. My daughter’s hands and fingernails are much like her daddy’s and it makes me smile. My man has hands just like his grandpa~his mother’s dad. They have unique fingernails and simple little details like this intrigue me.
A birthday gift for me! We went to a flea market on Saturday, on our way to pick up Tucker, who was returning from his week at Bible camp. It was set up in front of an antique mall and the antique mall was having Christmas in July. I got two birthday gifts and was thrilled with both! The candlewick bowl above. It is such a darling little size. I’ve long loved Candlewick, but haven’t added any pieces to what I have for a long, long time. I really don’t want a lot more and I don’t have room in my china cupboard for it, either. I did fall for this petite bowl and it came home with me and fit quite nicely into the cupboard. I started collecting Candlewick as a teen and my parents and my boyfriend gave me most of what I have for Christmas gifts.
Matthew and I used to browse through antique malls the first few years we were married, but we hadn’t for a long time. It was fun to antique again, even though we didn’t go nearly through all of it. It is a huge mall!
My second gift~at the flea market I found two, old, metal chairs to go with my swings on the front porch! I was quite ecstatic! Renae and I were waiting on Matthew as he picked and sorted through a bunch of tools, when I suddenly realized that there were these two metal chairs and they were for sale and they would be great to have down by the basement or on the porch. It was a revelation!{It takes me a little to catch on to things.} There was also a little table with them and they all rode home with us in the back of our Suburban. They are residing on our front porch, patiently waiting, along with the swings, for a fresh coat of paint to make them bright and happy! The little table also needs new legs. The seller said it had sat in water quite a bit. We would NOT want to run out of projects!!
Tucker got home from Bible Camp!! We were glad, glad, glad to have him come back. He was glad, too. He had a fun time, but he admitted to getting homesick some. I wasn’t really surprised that he did feel homesick some. I was hoping he wouldn’t, but he’s got enough of my side of the family in him….. I wouldn’t have been thrilled about going when I was young. This was the first time he’s gone somewhere and stayed by himself, at a place,that wasn’t either a close friend’s house or Grandma and Grandpa’s. He had lots of stories to tell and we are glad he went. We keep hearing more bits and pieces.
We’ve been enjoying some sweet corn, thanks to a couple of families that shared with us. Our garden is potatoes and corn this year. We planted the potatoes early. Earlier even than we usually manage! Then I got sick and the garden pretty much went by the wayside. {Not that I am a great gardener, by any means.} Matthew did plant some sweet corn later on, so it is coming, but is later than normal. I had to laugh. We have early potatoes and late corn. Overall, it is working out quite well. Between my man and kiddos and bro-in-law, Travis and my two youngest nieces, the garden has stayed relatively weed free {which is normal~our garden is NeVeR weed-free when I’m in charge} and tilled and quite a few of the potatoes have been dug or “pulled”. My youngest niece enjoyed helping Tucker and talked several times about “pulling” potatoes. Granted, they probably did pull them, because I often pull up the plants and gather potatoes and then dig around to make sure we find them all.
I had a terrific birthday celebration! I got to eat at Chick-Fil-A, not on my birthday, but for it! I love to spread celebrations out~sure doesn’t have to be right on the day! 🙂 I had several sweet texts from friends and family! Gotta love the ease of texting for special occasions! Or anytime you just want to brighten someone’s day. I got the metal chairs!!! I had a couple of gifts delivered. I got to spend the weekend with MY PeOpLe!! My man and my kiddos. ON my birthday, I got to relax and we made homemade ice cream and just spent time together. These are moments I love best. I see the rush, rush, rush that develops so easily in our American lives and I don’t desire it or want it to become so normal, that we don’t even think otherwise about it.
That’s gonna be a wrap~a few words for Tuesday and still several things I want to do today!

Happy Birthday!!!!
Thank-you so much!