The new siding started going on the house on Monday!
Then, it promptly snowed on Tuesday. Won’t complain about the moisture AT ALL, though! Besides we ended up having to start the process for putting our next beef in the freezer anyway on Tuesday morning. Well, my husband did. The main thing I contributed was having a hot lunch ready for him at noon. It was chilly and dampish out. We didn’t get a lot of snow, but it is moisture. Maybe our house project will bring on the rain. We’d really like to get the siding finished, but we sure could use rain! Last year, in March, when we were wanting to work on the garage and porch, we watched it rain. And then all summer, it didn’t.
We’ll see what the rest of the week brings, but at least we got started! I keep saying we like as if I’m this huge contributing factor to the siding project. *snicker* As if. Of course, if you know me in real life, you know better. I do make a good cheerleader of sorts. And a good photographer of sorts. So lets bring on the pictures!
The first few photos merely show the old siding torn off of the lower part of the house. It’s good to have pictures of all stages. (Sometimes I get them taken, sometimes not.) It really is. I can’t believe how quickly and easily we forget what something looked like before we started. I’m always amazed when I look back at old photos. Just recently I was thinking about what we were doing a year ago. Getting ready to move. Painting, organizing, sorting, getting rid of stuff, cleaning. Parts of it looked a little overwhelming. And here we are a year later. We’ve had a lot of changes in the last year and there are still a few new situations cropping up in our future. Life just keeps happening.
Oh, and today is the last day to enter the giveaways that Sew a Fine Seam and I are hosting. Go check them out and enter!
The clean-up crew has entered the building arrived on the siding site!
Do you have an ongoing project?

You are one of the best of cheerleaders! And I love your photography. The cleanup crew would be welcome at my house!! They wouldn’t even have to do much cleaning up, just be there. 🙂 The siding looks so pretty. The back of the house looks rather challenging to side. Hope they have sturdy scaffolding. (Do I sound like a Grandma!?)
Awesome! Love the clean-up crew too! 🙂