I’ve been wanting to introduce you to one of the top priority pets on this farm.
You’ve met Sprocket and various cats.
This pet is more the pet of the farmer and his wife instead of the farm kids. I think the farm kids like it, but the farmer and mrs. farmer like it better.
This pet doesn’t have to be fed, but it does drink a lot. It works hard too. It prefers a shed to a pasture and likes to be washed and taken care of.
So, here’s our pet…
Actually, instead of pet I think I should say…
PETE. Here’s our Pete…
Yes, this is our petted Pete. I think she (seems like trucks are always referred to as she) is treated better than some pets are. 🙂 My brother is not a pet person, but he is a Pete person and is very fond of our pet Pete, too. If he was going to have a pet Pete it would look something like this:
This lime green or a baby blue or a combination are his dream Pete’s colors.
If I was going to choose a color scheme all by myself for a pet Pete, it would most likely look like this:
Because I am all about color. I am funny about vehicle colors though, for as much as I do like color. Red is one of my favorite colors, but I do not like it for vehicles. I prefer white, tan or silver on vehicles. Somehow I just like the neutral colors on vehicles. Mostly. But I do really like orange and cream when it comes to Peterbilts. Crazy, I know. You just gotta love the way we all have our personal preferences!
I do like our black and white Pete very much. Because, you know, it’s my husband’s.
This is what it looked like when it first came to live at our farm.
And, this is what it looks like now.
Same truck…different look. But still a Pete, no matter the color. If you haven’t caught on yet, we are all about Peterbilts on this farm. Yes, we are.
What is something your family is all about?
I hear that refrain that goes with any sighting of a Pete—–“suuuwwweeetttt!” I would take mine in blue. But I’d rather take the cuties wearing the Peterbilt shirts. Your “farm pet” looks great!
Wow now that is a really cool before and after:)
And I’m with Mom, I like the cuties wearing the shirts. might be time to get everyone new shirts – i don’t think anyones fits anymore!!
well, my hubby was impressed with this post….I left the post up {on purpose} and he was like, “what’s that”? “Oh, you know the blogs I read, lol!” He says Matthew should go into biz restoring Pete’s! I would love a 74′ vintage Peterbilt in cream with that darker classic green. {see, I have a broad range of interests including spy novels.} 🙂
p.s. I think he should do a run to Ohio and then he could drop you off at the event!
I would love to come to the event and I have mentioned it to him. Being farmers, “It all depends on the weather”! 🙂
That orange and cream truck is somthing special.