It’s November, and Thanksgiving and Christmas will soon be here and then by slipping away into another year. I want to grow in gratitude and grace all year and yet this time of year is a good time to even more intentionally focus on it. Because, though I want to grow, and I try, I also fail and I still fall short of where I’d like to be.
So for November I want to post Thankful Thursdays. Just simple things. Here’s my post from last year when I joined in with 21 Days of Courageous Gratitude!
Today I’m thankful for:
- cozy socks
- family visiting
- big windows in my living room
- green and yellow tractors out my window
- good neighbors
- happy chatter
- fresh cider
- my washing machine
What simple things are you thankful for?

I’m thankful for my furnace on these chilly evenings, for warm sweaters, boots, dressing in layers, great friends and family, my girls, and on and on!
and I LOVE that little sweater pumpkin!
Mother was looking at it and trying to see how it was made and thinking she could prob make one! I told her you could sell them for her. 🙂
I love it too! Alissa gave it to me. She has a great eye for cute things.