Today for Ten on Tuesday, let’s talk about………
Ten Things To Take In A Travel Tote Bag!
{Linking up with Carole Knits}
Sometimes on cartrips we play a game called, “I’m Going On A Camping Trip”. Starting with the letter “A” the first person names an item to take on the camping trip. Let’s say that they name an apple as their choice. The second person continues, “I’m going on a camping trip and I’m taking an apple and bug spray.” The next person takes their turn naming an apple and bug spray and choosing something starting with a C. And so on and so forth, adding items and listing all the items at each turn. It can become challenging to remember the whole list! Nevertheless, it’s a whole lot of fun! And good for an aging-mama brain! 😉
Somehow that game popped into my head when I read the name of this week’s category!
Sooooo… list is going to try to fit itself to the alphabetical challenge of the game!!
Get set, let’s go!
1. Audiobook to listen to while traversing over the highways and byways.
2. Books that I’m currently reading! And my Bible study and Bible.
3. Cookies. Chocolate Chip.
4. Dishcloth that I’m knitting
5. EOS Lip balm ~ I love that stuff!
6. Flower pin secured to the outside of the tote bag for a fun, pretty pop!
7. Glasses {Sun} {A little cheat on this one in the alphabetical scheme. Tweaking it to make it work.}
8. Hairclips! I like to have a couple of flexis along!
9. Ink pens and markers and pencils in a pretty pouch. And my iPod equipped with music!
10. Jean Jacket ~ my favorite one! And Juicy Fruit gum for my family to chew.
And, of course, the tote bag must be a cute, fun one! I love bags and I love my bags from Thirty-One.
My husband is quite sure I can’t go anywhere without two or three or four bags. {AND, the thing is………….he’s kinda right!!!} {Just kind of!} 😉
{I do realize if you count all the items up, there are more than ten. But the list fit in ten bullet points, so I’m ok with that!!} 🙂

You could tell your husband that you need several bags because moms are always the ones who need to be prepared for anything. You carry bags so he doesn’t have to!
🙂 I have teased him along those lines before! BECAUSE, “Do you have fingernail clippers?” “We have any gum?” “Do you have a couple of dollars?” 🙂 🙂
{And he has to have something to pick on me about!}
Well, now I’m wishing you had done the entire alphabet, though I realize that would definitely take more than one bag. I love that you are the only person who has though of some swag to decorate the outside of your bag!
BUT, I would be prepared with my more-than-one bag!! Because I could definitely be all about a bag collection!Tee-hee!
Your list had me smiling. I think I’m going to try the alphabet game to fill my bag(s) for my next trip
That should make interesting packing! 🙂