This is an interesting Ten on Tuesday category ~ Linking up with Carole
It got me thinking.
There are some things that would be nice to just instantly know or become instantly expert at. There are times I wish I could. Or wish I was better at something. BUT, as I thought about it, I realized there is a satisfaction in pushing through and working hard and reaching the goal! There have been many times when I felt in way-over-my-head or felt like I wouldn’t ever understand something or wondered why in the world I was trying. I’ve failed. I’ve tried again and failed. I’ve had successes and victories, too! There are still so, so many things I don’t understand or don’t know the first thing about. In life, we never stop learning, though! The opportunities and ideas are endless. I will never just instantly pick up a new skill, but I can dig in and do the work and step out and try something new.
Nevertheless, some serious, some fun, here’s a list of ten-snap-my-fingers-and-I-instantly-know-them-things!
1. Greek and Hebrew ~ I’d love to instantly know these languages.
2. I’d love to instantly know how to draw and sketch beautiful portraits and pictures.
3. I’d love to instantly know the right settings and angles to capture photographs exactly like I want to every time.
4. I’d love to instantly have a knack for knowing how to season meats and dishes and soups and sauces to give them just the right taste and burst of flavor.
5. People skills ~ I’d love to know the right words and boundaries and yeses and nos for situations and relationships with people!
6. Knives and chopping. I’d like an instant revelation on the best type of knife needed for each cutting, dicing, slicing, filleting, chopping or cubing job in the kitchen. And the awesome ability to do the fast chopping you see chefs perform!
7. The dictionary. Wouldn’t it be great to just have all those words filed away, ready to rise to the right occasion?!
8. Unselfishness. If I could be instantly unselfish………..
9. Drums. I think it looks like it could be fun to play drums.
10. Last, but not least….because it would be a great help as a farmer’s wife…Equipment Operating Ability. If I could just instantly operate equipment effortlessly, well, that would be a skill set I could put to use!!
The reality of the thing is that No. 3, 4, and 6 are the only items on the list that might ever come close to finding their way into my skill set. And none of them will be an “instantly” thing. Sniff. So sad!
Fun, fun!
How ’bout you?
What pops into your mind when you think about just InStAntLy knowing something?!
{Pssstt…there’s a sale at Lilla Rose starting this morning and running for 41 hours!}

I think my life would be much improved if I could instantly learn numbers 4 and 5! While I haven’t operated much farm equipment, I do feel powerful (and also a bit scared) driving a big tractor, especially if the brush hog is attached.
Very good list. I think the drums would be a blast too!
People skills would be first and foremost on my instant list. Probably because it’s the area where I am most lacking.
How to work my DSLR camera. How to speak Spanish, Italian, and German. How to play the piano. How to cook like a restaurant chef.
Okay….that’s enough for now!
Equipment operating would certainly be a handy skill — on the farm or off! Such a thoughtful list. 🙂
Number #7 works for me… I love learning new words! It’s that teacher in me… 🙂