A list of a few things that moving has shown me:
- Moving is a lot of work.
- We have a lot of stuff. Maybe not all that great of stuff, but a lot of stuff. Too much stuff. Getting rid of some stuff. Feeling rather humbled and responsible and a little overwhelmed at the stuff we have accumulated.
- I have decided that if my family was in the armed forces or some other field that required frequent moving, we would be cutting down to each person’s possessions being pretty basic.
- I told my husband we should move every five years. It’s such an opportunity for sorting, organizing, cleaning, and getting rid of.
- Why can I always compose blog posts in my head when I’m taking a walk? I didn’t really learn that from moving, but I took a walk today and it seems like when I walk that I always have blog post ideas pop into my head, but I can’t write them down. The exercise must get the blood flowing to my brain and make me start thinking!
- Moving can have its stressful moments.
- Moving is also fun and exciting.
- Moving to a different house can give you the need for more trash cans than you currently have.
- Moving makes you want your family from Ohio to come visit.
- Moving can mean having a nice, warm bedroom instead of a cold, drafty one. Three cheers for this point!!!
- Knowing where something is when you need it is a very handy thing.
- My Father, my family, and my “stuff”, woven together with laughter and memories are what make a house into a home.
I like to pray when I’m running but many times, if I don’t stay focused, I find myself composing blog posts instead. They always sound so great when I’m running but somehow never make it from brain to Blogger.
I love your #12!
every time I type my website I cannot wait to quit adding ‘blogspot’ to it.
But that was VERY off-topic! I would say you need to get one of those things you talk to then it can read it back to you later. then you can carry it with you and compose your blog posts while you are walking!
the thought of moving makes me cringe. i would have to ship my kids to grandma’s for the duration! they don’t like to get rid of ‘stuff’!!
can’t wait to get out there and see what all you have been doing. will there be anything left for me to do????
Blech! I hate moving! Kudos for finding some good in it! 😉
Your Ohio family is very ready to come for a visit!