Hello Monday! Hello new week….
Hello to what we did last week!
1. Siding
2. Valentines
3. Puppy
4. Food
5. Living Room
6. Candles Burning
7. Lego Play
We worked on siding and we’ll be starting this week off with siding as well! But we’re seeing less and less old siding and uncovered areas, and more and more new siding. We watched it snow a little. We moved the china cupboard and did a little rearranging in the living room. We got a new mop bucket at the drs. office. Funny thing to be excited over, but it was long overdue. We delivered valentines and cookies. We made Gooey Bars for my bro for Valentine’s Day. We had a winner for the valentines giveaway for Lilla Rose! Congrats to Belle! We picked up our lost cat at our neighbor’s house! We had Bible study. We spent some valentine time at Grandma’s house, playing Sorry and chatting. We wished happy birthday to my mother and oldest niece! I can’t believe she’s fourteen. We got a new puppy! Hello Cooper! Welcome to the family! Uncle Jordan came right over, so we got to show the puppy off to him. We I read Sparkly Green Earrings. It is a great read, just like I thought it’d be. Funny, witty, inspiring. Definitely Big Mama. If you have at all considered getting a copy of her book, I say go for it. You won’t regret it. While you’re at I’d also recommend adding What Women Fear by Angie Smith. I’ve wanted to read it for a long time and just recently acquired a copy. I read some of it this weekend and totally find myself on the pages. That’s some of our highlights from last week….
There was also laundry and school and dishes and feeling like I’m never quite caught up…there’s still those jeans that need mended and floors that need swept…crumby countertops and dirty rugs…wanting to sometimes just hide underneath a blanket on the couch…We are blessed and I’d rather focus on the good things. Nevertheless, we have our downs and discouragement and disagreements. I like posting highlights from our week, but we’re real too. 🙂 It’s just not so fun to post about the negatives and really, it’s not so great to dwell on negatives either.
Happy week to everyone! Happy highlights hidden in among the dishes and the crumbs!
And a reminder: Deborah & Co has this coupon code that is good until the end of February.
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The siding is so pretty.So glad it is going on. The food all looks scrumptious. That sure is a cute puppy and I’m sure he is getting lots of loving attention. I like the looks of your living room arrangement. Looks like Legos are still a big hit.
Puppy is WELL taken care of. He has been spending a lot of time in the basement. He made a sad, mournful sound during lunch today and two chairs were promptly emptied and the occupants disappeared downstairs.
LOL!!! Can just see it!
Fun post! The girls LOVE the puppy and Emma thinks that is such a great name for a Beagle! So fun they have a puppy again! Emma wants to come out right now – she wanted to be there when they got it.
I knew Emma would love the photos and would love to be here. So far Cooper is quite spoiled.
I love the new siding! That sounds like a lot of work.
Love the Valentine’s goodies, puppies, and food!
Hope you had a wonderful weekend!
Stopping by from Miscellany Monday ♥
I am really excited about our siding too.
Thanks for stopping by!