How about a new series of posts?
It’s not a new theme or some totally different jaunt than I’ve ever taken here at A Delightful Glow. Nothing life-changing. No earth-shattering discovery! 😉
It’s book talk and book pages and book titles! It’s pausing to take a quick peek at ONE book and think about what we want to read……to ourselves……to our children……when we Read a Bit! {Or read a LONG Bit 🙂 }
It’s book reviews and Kid Picks and old favorites!
What do you think? You in?
Let’s give it a go for 2020!
One book. A bit of chit-chat. A review or overview. A few photos. {Or two fistfuls} {Whichever the case may be}
AND. I’d love to hear one book from you in return! OR your review, opinion, or overview about the book I’m sharing. What you especially love………what you learned………what conversations it broached, maybe in your own mind or with a friend………….what action it compelled from you……or any other topic you want to email me or comment below about!
The Promises of God Storybook by Jennifer Lyell
Our first one IS a Kid Pick. I’ll admit that even at over forty years of age, I often still resonate with text written for children.
Children’s stories can carry the most powerful lessons in an engaging and easy-to-understand way.
This is a B&H/Lifeway review I received towards the end of 2019!
This beautiful storybook focuses on the Promises of God. I love this concept. Some days we need to be reminded of all that God has done and all that He has promised and how He keeps His word and fulfills each and every promise.
No pinky promises from God. His word is true and He will keep it!
I also love reading and teaching these promises into the lives of children from tiny up.
I like the colors and artwork in this book. Each chapter has the theme and promise highlighted at the top of the page above the chapter title.
Each chapter also ends with three or four questions to spark conversations and think through the story and God’s Promise within that chapter.
The writing style in this storybook is very engaging. It’s conversational and personal and so relatable. It feels like a great conversation! It begs you to be part of the narrative.
There’s a ribbon bookmarker tucked inside this lovely hardcover book, as well! I like the size of this book. It’s hardcover and sturdy, but easy to handle. We’ve had Bible storybooks that were quite large and heavy, even for an adult, and more so for a child.
The byline on the front cover is “The Story of God’s Unstoppable Love.” Isn’t that beautiful? Thank-you Jesus!
If you want a new Bible storybook for 2020 or are seeking one to give to children in your life, this may be just the right one!
It would make a great addition to a baby shower gift!
Happy 2020 friends! May we Read a Bit every single day! 🙂
What are you currently reading or adding to your To-Be Read list?
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