I like my bath towels to smell fresh.
A few months ago I had coupons for Purex Complete Crystals Fabric Softener, so I tried it.
I have always been a Downy fan, but I was impressed. Impressed enough that I wanted to write about it, because I like to write about things I enjoy or like. I also like sharing about products I love, because I enjoy hearing about things other people love. That being said, the crystals do a wonderful job of making my towels smell fresh.
I think I had two or three coupons for the crystals, which I used and purchased two or three packages. I used up all the crystals and didn’t have anymore coupons. 🙁 sad…(I know, who is sad over fabric softener being all?) I did still have some liquid fabric softener and I like it fine for my clothes. But for the towels, I had become spoiled and I really wanted the crystals. I hoped maybe there would be some more coupons, but that wasn’t happening. Finally, a couple of weeks ago, I was at Wal-Mart and happened to be in the laundry aisle and I decided to get some Purex crystals for my bath towels. So, I did. And it made me happy. And I’m almost to the end of my tale, which should make you happy, if you are still reading this.
I know you aren’t supposed to be brand dependent to be a good couponer, but sometimes I find a product that I really, really like. And when it comes to having fresh-smelling bath towels, Purex crystals have done it for me and I am excited that they have!
That sounds like a commercial! LOL! I’m not being paid to advertise for Purex, I just really like how my towels smell. But, if anyone knows that Purex is looking for someone to advertise for them, I could definitely sing their praises!
I had never noticed these before but after reading your blog then going to Wal-Mart, sure enough I saw them. I’ve used baking soda to make towels smell fresh so never looked for these products.
If you don’t like to put fabric softener with your towels, you might not want to use these anyway. Since, we don’t have a water softener, I like them. A little bit goes a long ways! I love putting a washcloth up to your face and have it smell like it just came out of the dryer!