I’m not sure when or how this game got started, but my kiddos have played it for quite a while now. They came up with it and gave it the name.
Popcorn on the Trampoline.
My mother took some really fun pictures of the kiddos playing this game while she was here.
You will need:
a couple of kiddos
a trampoline
shoes and boots and sandals-many or few!!
Once you’ve gathered up your needed supplies, it’s pretty simple.
Load your trampoline with all the footwear you’ve dug out from every corner and storage box and closet or boot tray.
Line them all up.
Then you jump! And the shoes are tossed in the air and go everywhere just like popcorn!
There are different variations. I’ve never personally played, so I’m not exactly sure on all the rules. The object of the game is to get all the shoes “popped” off of the trampoline. The shoes are not allowed to touch you. {I’m not sure what happens if you get touched.} I will have to inquire on the rules and do an update.} I also know that there are rounds involved. You play a round and get all the shoes bounced onto the ground and then line them up for the next round.
There’s also a version called Fast Popcorn. In this, you jump without stopping until all the footwear is off of the trampoline. In this version the shoes are allowed to touch you. The object=get the shoes bounced off as quickly as possible.
It’s rather interesting to yell out to the kiddo on the trampoline any time you need a pair of shoes so you can leave the house. You also find out that there are a lot of pairs of shoes and boots around your farm!
All the jumping uses a lot of energy and does make you thirsty!
What a blessing just to be a kid and to imagine and dream and do simple things!
Hop over here to see our post about covering our trampoline springs with pool noodles!

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