My daughter was stretched out on the living room floor gazing under the couch and she started laughing! “What’s The Kindness Challenge doing shoved under the couch?” she queried.
My book had apparently fallen on the floor at some point and been bumped under the couch.
It struck me funny and I joined her in her laughter.
“That’s what I feel like doing with it sometimes,” I chuckled, “But I didn’t put it there and I don’t know how it happened.”
I HAD actually noticed it there a day or two before, but hadn’t pulled it out. And I can not remember what I was doing that made me notice it tucked snugly under the couch edge.
No. I really do love this book. But it is challenging. But that’s good, too. It challenges me to dig deeper into myself and be pro-active at scattering kindness.
AND planting seeds of kindness in my heart and nurturing them to flourish and grow.
My ARC copy of Church of the Small Things arrived and I have already read it through. It’s one of those books I almost don’t want to start, because I don’t want to finish. 🙂
If you love easy-to-read with a large side of humor all mixed and held together by inspiration and lessons from life, you’ll like Melanie Shankle’s books and words.
I loved it! I was expecting too. She makes me laugh. AND I relate rather well to her introvert personality and feelings she shares about it. Definitely a “Me too!” moment.
Keep an eye out! If you want this book, there’s going to be pre-order bonuses and if you’re ordering anyway, you may as well snag them!
Here’s what I’m reading on my Kindle.
It’s a pre-e-copy of All in All Journaling devotional by Sophie Hudson. It’s been a wonderful book week, because she’s on the same favorite level with Melanie Shankle. Yay!!!
I got to join the launch team for this book, too.
This devotional book is targeted to teens and young women, but I love it anyway. There’s still so much to inspire me. A few of the devotionals obviously stand out to fit today’s young women better than they fit a close-to-forty. Ha! Sophie Hudson has worked with this age group for a bunch of years now. I really recommend it for the young women in your life. Especially if they have a bent towards journaling. There’s questions at the end of each devotional day and space to write and/or doodle. I would highly recommend the hard copy because of the writing part.
I love Sophie’s wit and humor and gentle words. I love the way she shares in the story and writes in a me-too manner that welcomes you in, instead of a preaching-down-to-you way. Her style couldn’t be less preachy-teachy in fact!!
Real Artist’s Don’t Starve arrived on my doorstep yesterday. I won it in a giveaway and I’m very happy about it. I like to read Jeff Goins words.
I haven’t even remembered to tell Renae I won it! She likes Jeff Goins books, too, as he writes about the art of writing.
{You can read Renae’s stories over here on Wren Writes.}
And a green dishcloth is slowly emerging on my needles!!
These cards!! I think I shared my love of Really Woolly another time. You guys, these cards ARE SO MUCH FUN. {At least to me, they are.}
I’ve been crushing on them for a while now.
You can order boxed sets or Hobby Lobby is carrying them to buy singly.
The colors!!! The happy, happy pictures!! The sayings!!! The joy!
All the things to love.
When I feel discouraged or grumpy, all I need to do is read one of these cards. Seriously. They inspire me. {um. but doesn’t mean I get right over my grumps. hmmmmmm.}
Another big “YOU GUUUUYYYYSSSSS!!!!!!”……………….about this book!
Madeline Finn and the Library Dog.
Absolutely adorable. I took my cousin and her passel of kiddos to our local library when they were here visiting. I found this book when we were browsing and told one of the girls they should definitely check it out. Then I told her she really didn’t have to if she didn’t want to. 🙂
But, she did want to.
It’s a really fun story about a little girl who struggles with liking to read. BUT then she makes a new friend and lo-and-behold, she likes to read to her friend!
And it has the best surprise ending!
One last thing! I have a song for you if you want to hop over to YouTube and listen.
The Sower’s Song by Andrew Peterson. Beautiful!!!
Linking up with Frontier Dreams ~