We live in a land of wheat and sand and dirt roads and wind and cedar tree rows. Of cottonwood trees along the creek and hedge and chinese elm.
The trees here are different than a lot of the trees in the east where I grew up.
One thing is the same as I watch my children stretch and play and grow.
Kiddos and trees. Trees and climbing. Forts and tire swings.
My children love to climb trees just like I did.
The challenge of pulling up the trunk and to the lowest branches and weaving from branch to branch to reach a favorite perch and gazing around from inside a world all your own. Cool and leafy and hidden from view.
A favorite tree offering hours of adventure or solitude and serenity.
The inside and up-in-a-tree is a magical thing. In your own backyard, yet far, far away, because everything changes when you leave the ground.
Rustling leaves. Rough bark. Green leaf stems to run through fingers.
Inside fun from up high and fun below too, because BRANCHES!!
Branches for tying things on, like a bucket, to hoist this and heft that, up and down.
A tire swing, secured high on a branch by daddy, offering hours of fun, swinging and climbing on the rope.
Some trees just shout, “Climb me,” as they spread their branches in all directions and point them towards the sky.
Some trees stand, stately and tall and graceful and they breathe out the majesticness of their Creator.
Some trees speak of tenaciousness and toughness. They aren’t much at all to look at, but they thrive in hard places or tough conditions.
When through the woods and forest glades I wonder,
And hear the birds swing sweetly in the trees….
Then sings my soul, my Savior God to thee,
How great thou art! How great thou art!
I’m so thankful my kiddos know the joy of trees and climbing and pretending. The handiwork of God is speaking to them as they play in and around His creation.
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