What a dry and dusty year. We have watched with awe, thankfulness, and praise as the wheat comes up, despite its need for moisture. It points so much to our Creator and His power. Who else can put so much in such a little package as a kernel of wheat? So tiny, yet made to die and burst forth full of new life. I take it so for granted, yet I stand so amazed when I stop and contemplate upon it. There is no one like our God. And He is never not in control of all.

I think it takes FAITH even to put the wheat in the ground because that means we BELIEVE GOD will make it grow!
“Who plants a seed, belives in GOD” (and that it will {eventually} RAIN?! 🙂 Neat farming pics!!
So true! I agree! I love watching the wheat come up in the fall and then watch it start growing in the spring.
Amen. Love the photos – especially the one with the boots in it. Add that one to the stack to print and sell!
Yes, God is always in control and I am so thankful. Praising Him this morning for that fact and leaning on Him as I feel our country’s demise looming.
I liked the pic with the boots too. I like photos with a little character or a bit of whimsy.
Yes, we certainly need to trust in the Lord.
“Great is thy faithfulness, Oh, God my Father. There is no shadow of turning with thee; Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not; As Thou hast been Thou forever wilt be.” Enjoyed all the pics. Praying for rain for you!
I would love it if we’d get some rain!