When I checked in at Lisa-Jo’s the writing prompt was mess. Yep. I can sure relate to that.
Don’t I find myself often saying or thinking………..
My house is a mess.
I’m a mess.
The wind causes a lot of mess.
Who made this mess?
They’re a mess.
What a mess!
We need to clean up this mess.
That could be a mess.
Don’t I find myself stressing over mess all too often?
Then I wondered what is the definition of mess?
So, thanks to trusty Google, I looked it up.
Guess what? Mess has a LOT of definitions!
a dirty, untidy, or disordered condition: The room was in a mess.
a person or thing that is dirty, untidy, or disordered.
a state of embarrassing confusion: My affairs are in a mess.
an unpleasant or difficult situation: She got into a mess driving without a license.
a dirty or untidy mass, litter, or jumble: a mess of papers.
When sin entered God’s perfect garden, it just brought a lot of mess with it.
Separation from God. Sorrow. Thorns. Hurt feelings. Unkindness. Failures. Fears. Untidiness. Endless work. Disagreements. Despair. Selfishness. Anguish. Pain. Sickness. Death. Betrayal. Bondage.
As long as I live, I’m going to deal with mess. Whether it is physical or spiritual, there’s going to be things that just need cleaned up.
The good news? The awesome-break-into-dancing-and-singing-despite-the-mess news?
God meets me in my mess. God loves me in my mess. God picks up the mess around me. God doesn’t stress about mess!
I belong to Him and He is glad to own me and count me as His lamb.
I’m so glad.

“God meets me in my mess. God loves me in my mess. God picks up the mess around me. God doesn’t stress about mess!”
That is break into dancing and singing news for sure! 🙂 There’s been little that I’ve found more freeing in my life than realizing that. Thank you for sharing today. Happy to have met you through FMF.
Thanks for stopping by! I think as long as I live I will keep learning and learning more and more about God and His grace. It’s just so big.
Love this. Because without God I am the mess of all messes. I am so humbled and awed and thankful that He meets me in my mess – and carries me out of it!
Truly. Because I am just so messy so often.