Our O’Malley kitten! She’s growing up! We’ve had two kittens from our earlier litter, die and two have disappeared. It seems it’s feast or famine with cats on our farm. We either have almost too many or can’t quite keep any around.
Who knows why???????
{And we do not eat cats. The feast or famine in no way refers to actual eating in this setting.}
Fence built~
Good-bye to braces! They came off last week! Pictures to post.
Corners to work and drill.
Hello to my brother-in-laws cattle! Aren’t they pretty?
I laughed for a mile, after I pulled this wonderful offer out of our mailbox.
Advertising cracks me up at times.
And they threw in the offer of two monthly payments or something like that.
And don’t miss “Breathtaking!”
I don’t know why it struck me so funny.
Just a combination of things.
I was trying to get out of the house to head for an appointment. Matthew had called and asked if I could bring a screwdriver to the tractor on my way, so he could get the back sunshade affixed on tractor’s back window, because tractor’s air conditioner wasn’t cooling. I was feeling a bit harried and I pulled the mail out of the mailbox as I headed out the driveway.
This offer was on top and just was the humor I needed.
Now, I do like some jewelry.
This wouldn’t really be my taste in jewelry and the whole combination of bragging it up and playing it up to the guy to buy for his wife and words worded in a way to pressure and emphasize how heartfelt of a gift this would be just tickled my funnybone.
Don’t miss this great line in the photo below!
My sense of humor doesn’t necessarily always make sense. 😉
Quite a few years a go, on a daytrip in KS, I also laughed for a mile at a sign along the road highlighting an upcoming attraction. It read, “See live rattlesnakes. Pet the baby pigs.”
You just gotta laugh!!
The pendant ad also made me laugh because a buncha, buncha years ago we spent the night away for our anniversary. We watched a movie airing on t.v. and as-we-all-know, television loves its commercials! There was a commercial advertising a great financing service or awesome prices on jewelry or perhaps both. This young-so-in-love couple would make their entrance and look at these awesome diamonds, and then look very disheartened because they thought there was no way they could afford diamonds.
THEN, they would hear the terrifically awesome affordable deal and they would look at each other in total amazement and exclaim together, “WE CAN AFFORD DIAMONDS!”
It got quite funny!
Matthew and I will still look at each other in the right situation and say, “We CAN afford diamonds!”
So, of course, that popped into my head as I read about this exclusively great deal on this pendant.
And you see ~ advertising does WORK! Or at least it made us remember the ad itself. 😉
Hello autumn shaped Chocolate Topped Rice Krispies or Scotcheroos or whatever name you call them by.
The kiddos had fun pressing out the shapes with our cutters.
In other news, I found out on Monday evening that Big Mama was going to be speaking here in Kansas on Tuesday evening. I was thrilled and wanted to go hear her.
And I was a bit like, “What is Big Mama doing speaking in KS on a Tues evening no less?!” I wasn’t going to miss it if I could help it because when would she ever be that close to where I live? Her blog is one of the first I ever read and I totally love her sense of humor. Things seemed to be where I could work it out and my farmer said though he was busy, he could get by without me to taxi him.
ALAS! When I called the church hosting the event, it was sold out. I wasn’t really surprised that it was, but had held strong hopes that it might not be.
Like Anne of Green Gables, I was plunged into the depths of despair. 🙂 I WAS disappointed, but then, such is life.
I was very tempted to call back later and ask if I could just stand in the back of the room or bring a camp chair.
I told my husband, “I KNOW they’re sold out of tickets, but I guarantee there will be some empty chairs!”
Oh well. It was nice to be home since I couldn’t go and I did end up helping my man out.
Also in sad/bad news, three of our boxwoods are dead, I’m afraid. They have looked bad for a while and I keep forgetting to record it here. The others look good as a whole, so I’m hoping that continues and they make it through the winter and do magnificently in the spring.
We keep having just gorgeous fall weather. It makes me so happy.
The kiddos slept out on the trampoline on Friday night. It was a perfect kind of night. No wind and not too cold. They had a fun mix of blankets, pillows, sleeping bags, snacks, movies, extension cord and dvd player as they trekked out.
Have a great week! What’s making you laugh?

We got a similar ad for a diamond ring, of all things! My reaction was very much like yours. It really struck me funny to think of Dad buying me a ring with our names inside. They do try to talk it up almost making you feel guilty if you don’t order it.
For some reason all my comments didn’t show up so I will repeat this. I would really like to hug the beautiful young lady pictured here. Would you do that for me? Thank you!
Internet likes to eat things sometimes! I’ve hugged her today, but will have to hug her for you! 🙂