It’s a Memoir Monday day!
This is a bit of a willy-nilly Monday post.
A bit of this, a bit of that.
A lot of one thing or another.
Darling candy wrappers! I really, really liked them.
Festively Fall.
But not Halloween. I am not a Halloween fan.
More festive fall.
Funny, twisted gourds from my sister-in-law’s garden.
I love fall decor ~ the pumpkins and gourds and straw bales and mums.
I hope to plant some mums someday and if we garden next year we’d like to grow pumpkins and gourds.
We grew gourds several years ago and part of the fun was, passing them out to some friends to use for their fall decor too, because they produced abundantly. We even took some to farmer’s market one day and did sell a few.
{It was windy and coldish, so selling them at farmer’s market didn’t turn out to be quite the fun adventure I thought it might be for the kids. 🙂 They wanted to huddle inside our blue Suburban. Haha! }
Darling Little Miss No. 1, a.k.a, our oldest baby niece will be having a birthday. She currently likes Hello Kitty, which totally makes me happy, because I still LOVE Hello Kitty. So, we’re birthday shopping. Actually, a little ahead of schedule. {Drops over in a faint.}
I LOVE this road sign. I want one.
How cute is that???????????
The shape of the state and the label farm road.
My man obliged me, by pulling over, stopping, and letting this crazy blogger, photographer person get out and take some pictures.
{I did not try to steal the sign, thought I would’ve liked to.}
{Not really. I’ve never truly wanted to be a thief.}
{But I would like to have a Texas sign that says farm road. I don’t care what route number.}
If you need a place to roost, this disc would accommodate you!
My man and I spent the weekend from last week, meandering down into the panhandle of Texas. We stayed overnight at Amarillo. {Our first time to ever visit Amarillo. Now we can say we’ve been there.} We ate at Hoffbrau’s Steakhouse.
It was tasty and styled in a fun way. Notice the light fixtures in the doorway.
One of the eating area ceilings, had old swinging screen doors all over it. It was interesting and there were quite a variety of styles.
I saw a sign for Happy State Bank in Sunray, TX. Isn’t that just cheery all the way around?! A happy name for the bank and a sunny, cheersy name for the town. I liked it.
We saw several trains.
We skimmed through the panhandle of Oklahoma and I am always amused by the signs for and the roadside tables that Oklahoma offers. We might not have anything else, but we have roadside tables!!!! 😉
Isn’t that the saying?
We saw quite a few irrigation systems with 18 and 19 towers.
This one trumped them all with 22 towers!!!
It made our irrigation system look like a baby.
The motor. It’s bigger too.
{I fail to remember what my husband said about it. #badlistener #motorsarentmything}
You know you’re married to a farmer when you ask,
“What’s in Hopewell?”
And he says:
“A John Deere dealer.”
🙂 🙂 🙂
Cute baby trailer on the left. Back in Kansas! I’m sure if we would’ve been in Texas, it would’ve been much bigger! 😉
I got a smile out of the brand name on a bag of peanuts for sale. There was an elephant pictured on them and they were called Jimbo Jumbo Peanuts!
I burst out laughing at a section in the shoe & boot aisle of a farm store we stopped at. If your feet vary a great deal, THIS is the place for you.
Other tidbits for the annals…
So, ok, “Do You Want to Build a Snowman?” is such a catchy tune. We’ve been singing everything to this tune, off and on, for a good while now. A really good while. It’s so easy. And fun.
Do you want to eat some supper?
Do you want to sample milo?
I am going to stir up cupcakes.
Do you want to pet the kittens?
Do you want to go outside?
Here is a fun video parody ~ Do You Want to Drive My Tractor?
A TSC opened in our small hometown. The men of our family checked it out.
We all motored to my chiro app and were going to go to a small museum, but it was closed. It has a sod house inside and has large front windows, so we peeked in and got a good look at the sod house and checked out the old machinery and train engine that were outside.
We went home via way of a Wendy’s and swung in for Frosties, plus checked out the lot of an upcoming farm consignment sale.
We enjoyed GoRgEoUs fall weather. Breathtakingly beautiful.
We sampled our milo. Too wet. 20.6.
We went to Bible study.
We enjoyed an outside cookout & movie evening hosted by friends.
We ate steak & baked potatoes at the Farm Bureau Committee Supper.
Renae had the week off from her mother’s helper job.
We did not have the week off from cleaning at the drs. office. 😉
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I cracked up at the boots too! Too funny! I wonder if they will actually sell? And if perhaps they have the mismatch because someone bought a ‘pair’ just like them?
Texas sounds so fun. I’ve wanted to go back ever since we went to Dallas several years ago. Thinking maybe we need to make a Texas trip with the kids this winter. Wonder if my hubby would agree?
I wondered too, if someone had bought the other pair! What was really funny was there were probably a dozen pairs of mismatched~everything from kid sizes to adult pairs.
I’ve always been interested in Texas, ever since I was school age. Somehow it is just kind of neat!