Fun with friends~
Pretty river rock~
Working on water for the trees and thinking flowerbed edging~
Going to visit this bubbly baby~
Lego fun for everyone!
Fishing! Taking a peek~
Beautiful Bass~
My handsome fisherman! And a huge, big catch to reel in!
{Shhh, don’t tell that I included this picture. He really doesn’t love having his picture taken anymore than I do. But I’m usually the photographer and I like to take pictures of him. 🙂 🙂 }
Photo especially for you, Grandpa! It’s a crappie! Tucker didn’t catch it, but he posed for the picture so we could show Grandpa. He did catch eleven fish though! It was a very successful fishing trip. I think the total count was thirty-seven. Come out! They’re in our freezer, thanks to auntie and uncle, who sent them home with us.
The week went right by…
- we had a delicious Easter lunch and lovely relaxing day with dear friends.
- we worked ground, worked on systems, worked on landscaping,
- we did Seton testing
- we made Olive Chicken
- I was excited to check out LPM’s announcement for their summer Bible study
- my son singing the Baby Blues version of the 12 Days of Christmas to me out of one of our comic books~on the eighth day of Christmas my children gave to me, Eight ways of belching…the pictures make the wording even funnier.
- my back hurting more than I’d like. could be worse. makes me commiserate with people who have chronic health issues.
- Jewelry in Candles~check it out here!
- taking Mom to her doctor’s appointment and grocery shopping
- new sweeper at the doctor’s office when we cleaned this week
- teasing my dear man about the size of his list for shopping at Blue Stem. {the best farm & ranch store in KS} apparently it takes a legal-size notepad for a Blue Stem shopping list. {I had way too much fun with this.} {and no camera handy to snap a picture. so sad.}
- baby-sitting
- giveaway winner
- blog posts I want to post
- kittens born while we were gone~first time mama cat and she didn’t take care of them. Sadly, none of them made it despite Renae’s best efforts.
- dust, dirt, wind

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