Each time of life has its own kind of love and each time of life its own kind of happiness. ~ Leo Tolstoy
Ah, yes! Life bestows love and happiness, weaving these shining golden threads among the fibers colored “Everyday”.
I’ve lived four decades now. Long and short juxtaposing together.
In my first decade, I dwelt among the love of my parents and siblings. Summers were long and happy. Bike rides and swimming and raspberries picked off the bushes. I loved Panda Bears and Strawberry Shortcake dolls.
My second decade brought laughter and shopping trips, pen pals and friendships. It brought the love of my life and a wedding to plan. I loved my Fuji camera and Longaberger baskets.
My third decade handed me two chubby babies to cuddle and love with abandon. To laugh over and delight in and give extreme thanks when they slept all night! I loved baking, graduated to a digital camera and browsed Lands’ End’s children’s section.
My fourth decade found me digging deeper in my Bible, going on adventures with my growing-up littles and a heart-so-grateful to keep slipping my hand into my farmer man’s grip. I began blogging and growing bookstacks of favorites and kept right on snapping pictures. {Too many, most days}
My heart nods deeply at the words of Tolstoy above. Indeed! Life hands us the gift of today and holds out the golden threads of love and happiness that fit this time.
What love and happiness is shining golden for you?