L•ove is choosing
O•ver and over to share life
V•icariously together and find the
E•xtraordinary in the everyday.
L•ove is holding tight
O•ver and over when life
V•ents its troubles upon us
E•xtinguishing hope for the moment.
L•ove is smiling
O•ver and over, Tossing
V•erve and courage to each other and
E•nthusiasm for one another’s ventures.
L•ove is forgiving
O•ver and over,
V•oicing, “I choose you,”
E•ffusively offering hearts and grace.
L•ove is lived out
O•ver and over, day in, day out,
V•aluable and Priceless,
E•xtraordinarily beautiful and immeasurable.

amen – over and over is right!