Have you seen The Lego Movie?
If you have, shhhh, don’t tell how it ends! This is one movie you just need to watch yourself and find out how it all snaps into place!
I know it’s hard to believe that we would have anyone in this house who would be the slightest bit, remotely, at all, interested in a movie called The Lego Movie!!
{affiliate links included}
I mean there’s only this post or this post or this post or this post, besides other photos scattered in and among various posts! 🙂 And the above photo, which is only one of many, many photos taken by the little man at our house.
We watched this movie with said little man and his friend, and I enjoyed it. I was wondering how it was all going to come together, but it did and it made me laugh. And surprised me. That’s all I’m saying.
I think if you are a long time Lego enthusiast, you would get even more out of the movie. I think there’s lots of details and plays on words that an enthusiast would pick up on much more than I did. I say this because of a couple of things my son mentioned and then explained to me after we watched it. {I totally didn’t pick up on them.} {Not a lifelong Lego enthusiast, here.} 🙂 I think it will be fun to watch it again sometime.
Well, we are working with Warner Bros. Home Entertainment and bringing you a giveaway and a chance to win a copy of your own of The Lego Movie!
The instant family classic, The Lego Movie arrived on Blu-ray June 17th!
Check out their ap below and make and share your own 6 second mini video!
• Move your mouse across the GIFs to control the action and play “EVERYTHING IS AWESOME” at the same time to really get crazy with it!
• Press the “record” button and make a mini 6 second LEGO GIF video that can be shared to Twitter and Facebook.
Videos instantly get posted to YouTube for everybody to enjoy!
Each household is only eligible to win The Lego Movie Blu-Ray via blog reviews and giveaways. Only one entrant per mailing address per giveaway. If you have won the same prize on another blog, you will not be eligible to win it again. Winner is subject to eligibility verification. The prize will be sent via FedEx or USPS. No P.O. Boxes please. Other terms and conditions listed in the bottom of the Rafflecopter.

I did.
WE haven’t seen the movie but we want to!
We didn’t see it. Thanks!
We have not seen the movie or created any movies yet!
Our favorite was Emmet!
Legos are a hit at our house. Daughter wants a birthday cake with Lego friends on top.
I did not see the movie but my husband did and said it was his favorite movie of the year so far! He is dying for me to see it!
We haven’t seen it, but we are REALLY wanting to!
My son wants to see this so bad! His birthday is next week…I would love to win it for him!!
I haven’t seen it yet, but I’ve spent about a billion dollars on Lego’s for my girls! They’d love to see it 🙂
I have not used the app yet, my dinosaur desktop wont let me, I will be doing it with my laptop later though.. We have not seen it yet, but the lil ones, dad and I are waiting super patiently!
batman was our favorite character
It’s a great movie, and my favorite character is Vitruvius.