Lord, You always show up~You just show up in so many ways,
in just the word I need,
in just the way I need,
Lord, YOU are so mighty.
So above me.
Yet, so close to me.
Lord, I can not comprehend it.
I am in awe of it.
Lord, here I sit.
Your creation,
leg aching,
heart breaking,
breath taking to YOU,
only You, looks at me, Your child, in this old sweatshirt, hair askew, not dressed or groomed in a presentable public way, yet fully beautiful to YOU,
my every thought and action known to You,
every wild hair on my head numbered by You,
my whole life an open book to You,
planned by You,
Like the song sung by Casting Crowns,
the song my daughter loves,
“Waiting at the end of my life, You’re already there.”
Tears come unbidden at times.
Springing up from my heart.
From places deep inside.
Because you care THAT MUCH, Lord.
You are aware THAT MUCH, Lord.
You hear my prayers THAT MUCH, Lord.
I am one of billions.
Just one.
You stretched out your arms and died Jesus.
You did it for billions.
Yet, you did it for just one.
For all and for one.
Your head bowed in death.
Three days and risen in power and glory.
My head, bowed in sin and shame, regret and yet, repentance.
My head and heart bowed in baptism,
washed in You,
risen anew,
clear and clean, complete,
Face shining, Grace claiming,
I fall at your feet,
washing them with my tears, drying them with these hairs.
I am Yours.
Your lamb.
You are my Shepherd with arms enfolded around me.
Holding me close,
snuggled into your robe,
Hand on my head,
I trust you, God.
I trust You.
How I trust You.
Like no other.
Because You are Father.
I am your own. Never alone.
There on Your throne.
Watching over me.
You see each hurt. You feel each ache.
You see each joy. You thrill with me.
Because I am Yours.
I can not take it in.
Not even begin to comprehend.
I just say thank-you.
I love you, Father.

Amen! So eloquent! Thank you for sharing.