Our week was a blend of busy and hectic and feeling the push and pull of things that needed done all at once. Life has its times like that and June often is that way around here! This week may be a lot the same. The wheat is ready to cut and there were combines in the fields this weekend. So hello Monday and hello to harvest on the horizon for us!
Hello muddy boots and hello to lots of irrigation system checking and working on systems that were getting stuck. Hello to hauling gyp and hello to a load of rock for our driveway. Hello to working on planter. Hello to the pressure of getting milo planted. Hello to wind. Wind, wind and more wind. IT IS STILL BLOWING. Hello to getting ready for harvest. Sometimes there are too many things and not enough time.
Hello to trying this recipe for Giant Broo-kies. Brownies/chocolate chip cookie bars. Chocolate lover’s cookie for sure! Hello to a Lilla Rose giveaway over here! Don’t miss it! Hello to me winning a giveaway! Hooray! I won some Good Cook Keepers. It will be fun to try them.
Hello salad! Hello to riding along when my man hauled gyp and stopping in to get disposable cups for fruit cups. Hooray! I was almost out of them and it is frozen fruit cup time of year. Hello to laughing at juggling to fit 1000 styrofoam cups into a daycab Peterbilt. It can be done. You just have to take them out of the box they came in and lay all the sleeves of cups behind your seats. Then break the box down and you are good to go!!! My handy tip for the week. I’m sure many people have been contemplating on this problem.
Hello cozy slipper socks! My girl made these with Grandma, while she was in Ohio. Hello to the kiddos stacking up pavers and Renae pinching her finger and getting a blood blister. Hello to her poor fingers getting dried out like they seem to do every summer. I really wonder why they do. Hello to giving away three kittens and promptly finding four more. We are abundantly blessed with kittens this year. We had one mama who we were pretty sure had kittens, but we didn’t know where. My kiddos were thrilled to find them. They are quite adorable, even though it means that our numbers didn’t really decrease after all. Hello to R&T going to help Grandma do some outside stuff and some inside rearranging. Hello to ordering coin collecting books. Pennies for Tucker and state and national parks quarters for Renae. They have been keeping an eye out and sorting through coins we had. This is making a fun project for them. I’m fascinated too. I’ve always thought coins were kind of interesting.
Hello to working on the new Which Way USA books that arrived! Hello to these fun faces printables! My kiddos had fun drawing “people”.
Hello to washing pick-ups for Dad. Hello to some cleaning at a friend’s house and hello to hunting checkbook. Hello to a windy Thursday and jeans blowing off the line. Hello to tired of wind. Go away now. 🙂 Hello to systems, systems, systems. Wind and systems. I have to keep repeating it because the week was quite full of both. Hello to new flexis! Hello to prayers for a friend in Ohio, who was in the hospital recovering from being burnt. Hello to thankfulness for God’s protection and safety. And hello to, though we were crazy busy all week, we could be busy and go about and do our stuff.
Hello wraps, and cookies, and serving lunch to all the help and wedding party before my friend’s daughter’s wedding. It was fun. Another big and busy day! I was tired that evening and I hadn’t even been doing wedding preparations for a few months! My friend had to be exhausted.
Hello to my husband coming home to take a shower for the wedding, only to discover we had no water. Hello to the water well man coming to work on it while we were at the wedding. Till I got home in the evening it was all fixed. I missed the whole thing. It was a good day to be gone! Running water is such a blessing. It’s so wonderful to come home from a big day and take a hot, leisurely shower.
Hello darling wedding cake!
So good-bye to last week and hello to this week! I don’t think it’s going to slow down.
Hello to this verse running through our minds~good words for busy days!
Matthew 6:34
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

Whew! Your week review is leaving me breathless!! Fun to see a glimpse of the wedding day. Looks like a nice place and the food looks scrumptious. Had to chuckle when I saw the slipper socks. It was so fun to have knitting sessions.
It was a busy week, but writing it all out always makes it seem even more that way. I am a little tired still and I know this week is going to be busy too. 🙂
I happened to go upstairs and found Renae all cozied up in her robe and slipper socks, so I went back down for the camera. I knew you would especially appreciate the photos. The kiddos had been out swimming, so she was cold.
It was a very pretty wedding. Enjoyed it!
What a lovely post! The food looks yummy and those slippers look like heaven to wear! 🙂
Thanks for coming by! The cookies were very yummy! And I like seeing my daughter in the slippers. 🙂
I love those slippers! Booties for big kids/grown-ups? Yes please 😉
Beautiful, beautiful cake. Love it.
I thought the slippers turned out really cute for her. 🙂
And I loved the wedding cake too. There’s just something about a beautiful cake!
I want to see wedding pics and hear all about it! Like you have time now that harvest is upon you. And I’m missing harvest in Kansas once again. you would think that in 39 years of going to Kansas at least once a year I’d have made it for harvest – but no not yet. Maybe next year…
I have some photos of the wedding decor, but not really of the wedding party and people.
You will have to just make coming for harvest a definite or it won’t happen! Life is funny that way! Harvest is neat, despite it being tired and hustle-bustle and helter-skelter. Nothing quite like it.
How fun to see some of the highlights of your week. I love the photo of your daughter sitting on the floor in the slippers she made with her grandma. And your food looks delicious. Thanks for linking the recipes. Whew! You did a lot last week…busier than me and most folks I know. I pray this week is also full and fun for you.
I like the photo of my daughter too{of course}! 🙂
I think it always sounds busier when you write it all down. I’m always looking at other people and thinking, “Wow! I could never do all that they do.” 🙂
Love the sock slippers, too cute! I always love your “hello” posts! 😉 Thanks for linking up to the “Making Your Home Sing Monday” linky party.
Thanks! I enjoy the hello posts too. They’re fun to put together and are a great record of memories. It helps me stop and see the blessings and moments of each week. I’m glad I found your link-up. I enjoy coming by your blog. And I have different times when I’m going about my daily tasks that I think, “Well, I’m making my home sing.” 🙂