We are having fun with style and clothes posts, so I just started a category for them.
Don’t miss the darling, little glasses charm on this necklace. See it? How cute is that?! I wear contacts most of the time, but I got my first pair of glasses when I was in second grade. I was excited at the time.
I soon got over it. 😉
I was glad I could get glasses that would correct my vision, but it didn’t take me long to realize, not needing glasses at all, is a pretty awesome blessing.
Years of corrective lenses, and very impaired vision without them, made me fall in love with this necklace and charm.
Find necklace creations at Little Bit Funky. Follow on IG to keep up with her stuff.
I wore this skirt over in this Summer Outfit post.
Here is another shirt I like it with. It is a lightweight material and I like the summery color.
Wearing one of my favorite flip-flop pairs! Find me chattering about them in this post. 🙂
The day we snapped these photos I had the Steampunk flexi in. Hop over to Lilla Rose here!
It’s going to transition towards fall and autumn clothes and fade away from summer………{still not quite ready}
Linking up at Fabulous Friday, The Modest Mom, Hello Monday

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