On a Wednesday morning, I attend the commemoration of a life well-lived. The celebration of graduating from this body of skin and bones and sinew, housing soul and spirit, into the presence and majesty of Jesus.
Can we only imagine sitting face to face, completely enveloped and warmed by His extravagant love?! Truly experiencing the reality of His Presence. Emmanuel. God with us. God in us. God for us.
Our Father, running, R U N N I N G, to wrap us in His open arms.
“You’re home!!!” His smile splits His face, splits the sky.
“I’ve been counting down the days,” He says. “You know, I never missed a moment. I cheered for your first shaky steps, my dear. I’d carefully crafted you in the womb, you know.
My heart swelled as you held your own newborn. I laughed to watch you rejoice in my creation. I sang over you and nodded as you murmured praise and gratitude to your Maker. I held you when you cried broken-hearted tears and mourned in sadness. I bottled those tears up. I was your strength when all else failed. I directed your steps and I was making a way even as you felt each decision a stab in the dark. I saw you feed the hungry and offer encouragement to the struggling. I saw your faith and trust grow and I rejoiced to see you thrive. Oh, dearheart, I never missed a moment!”
On a Wednesday morning, I go to the house of mourning.
And, also on the same Wednesday, I celebrate the seventeenth revolution around the sun, for MY son.
I’m trying my best to not miss a moment. I rejoice in watching this young man growing up. I’m grateful for every day God entrusts him to us.
This is the circle of life and cycle of days.
Life and death juxtaposing together.
One reminding us of the other. One reminding us of brevity. Of legacy. Of living life well. Of loving, laughing, letting go.
On a commonplace Wednesday, I hold them both together in my hands and contemplate the mystery within.
And foremost, I pray the extravagant love of Jesus is felt deeply in our souls here on this side until we open new eyes one day and find His beaming face running towards us.
“I’ve been counting down the days,” He says.
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