One year ago today, I jumped into this thing called blogging! I’d been part of the world of blogging for a long time through reading and commenting on other blogs. But, a year ago today I typed my first blog post and began a journey with my own little piece of this thing called internet.
I’ve learned a lot of stuff. There’s still a lot I don’t know about blogging and css and techie stuff. Yet, I have learned some things and I’ve enjoyed the “aha” moments when I’ve figured out how to do something else. I have enjoyed the challenge-for the most part! I’ve had fun. I’ve had times when I wondered why I started. I’ve had times that I wonder why I bother. I’ve had times that I’ve looked back through my blog and been happy to have diary of sorts. I’ve had times when I felt like blogging was a waste of time, because it takes time and it is a lot of work. Something else I understand and appreciate much more now. There are many people putting a lot of time, effort, and hard work into blogging. There are so many great blogs out there. And never enough time! 🙂
It’s cliché to talk about how quickly time passes, but it does. This blogging year has swept by. When I told my husband that it had been almost a year since my blog began, he replied, “Has it really?”
As I looked back through some of my first posts and looked at pictures of my kids, I can see that a year has changed them too. I’m always surprised to see how much older they look every fall when I take back to school pictures and compare them with the year before.
One year down. One year past. So here we go. On to another blogging year. I wonder what else I will have learned by then?
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I can’t believe it’s been a year already! I’ve learned so much since you started blogging! You started me on the road to the wordpress era. You helped me out by answering a lot of questions when I was struggling with the learning curve of going from blogger to wordpress. And it was all of that, that has started me on my way to running a successful, profitable business! Thank you so much for starting a blog!
I can’t really believe it’s been a year either!
Happy Blogoversary!! I wish you many more!
Thanks so much!
Happy bloggy birthday. I should look back and see when I started, although much to my regret and dismay I had another blog but got frustrated and “in a mood” one day and deleted the whole thing. I didn’t regret it at the time but then when I realized I had lost all those posts about my children (since I don’t journal or scrapbook) I was sad. It IS fun to look back and see how much they have changed.
That is sad about your deleted blog. Blog posts take time and effort, no matter what they are!
congrats!!!!!!!!!!!! =)
thanks! 🙂