When we were in Ohio, we visited my Grandmother. She is almost 92 years old. Earlier this spring she wasn’t very well at all and we really thought she would be in heaven right now, instead of still on this earth. She slowly improved though, till she was no longer just in bed and no longer needed someone staying with her all of the time. She spends most of her time doing some reading and knitting dishcloths. I brought several dishcloths home with me!
Watching her knit inspired me to finally pull my knitting needles back out when we were back home again. My daughter had been thinking it sounded fun to knit again too. So out our needles came! My husband has been teasing his two females about “the little old ladies sitting around knitting!” Ha!ha!
It is fun to have a project to pick up and work on here and there. Plus, they ARE my favorite dishcloths ever. I’ve never knitted anything else and I’m not sure I would really want to tackle a big project like the baby blankets my mother knitted for my babies. I pulled the blankets out of the cedar chest the other evening to show Renae and Tucker. I wanted them to see the beautiful things that can be knitted and how you can create different designs and patterns. They were duly impressed.
I do think it sounds fun to try a couple different patterns for dishcloths. The one I know how to do is simple and pretty though, and I’m good with that.
Renae hadn’t made a dishcloth before, so she gave it a whirl. She did a normal size one, a half size one, and finally, a half half size one for her dolls! Love it!
Hand-Knitted Farmhouse Dishcloths! They fit well in a farmhouse kitchen or a doll’s kitchen….and any kitchen if you love them too! 🙂
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Wow! Great Job Renae!! Knitting is something I can’t do – never tried – never really had the desire! But I love those dishcloths!
I’m sure once you learned you would whip a dishcloth out in record time!
Good job, Renae, I would love to help you learn to do more knitting projects. I bet the half half one was the hardest to manipulate.
I think it was! It turned out really cute.