Friends!!! Today, books about friendship! Both of these books are lovely, lovely gift books for the dear friends, sisters, mothers, daughters, aunts, cousins, women in our lives! They’re a beautiful way to voice our gratefulness to them and for them. In fact, they’d make a great replacement for a card in a gift!
The first book is Friendship Promises. It’s a review book of mine from B&H/Lifeway.

This inside cover page of Friendship Promises is a beautiful page to pen an inscription along with your friend’s name.

Friendship Promises is filled with sweet and encouraging devotions and inspiration focusing on the gift of friendship and the importance of good friends in our lives. My niece was visiting from Ohio and she picked up this book and paged through it. She told me later she really liked it. She loved the pictures and quotes in it, along with the lettering and artwork. I heartily agreed!

See?? How pretty!

The book pulls together prayers, quotes, Bible verses and ideas for cultivating our friendships and relationships. It’s a special compilation!

The second friendship gift book is Company Girl, by Rachel Anne Ridge. It’s so sweet!

It too has a page to fill in an inscription and names, AND a place to put a photo of yourself. The book is put together with pictures of little girls, women, and friends, so a place to attach your own picture is a beautiful idea for this book.

Company Girl is a term coined by Rachel Anne Ridge’s two darling little ladies. It’s interpretation was, “Keep me company!” It didn’t take them long to learn life was better lived side by side, sharing time and doing things together.

“A Company Girl actually cares when you are searching for the perfect hairstyle, and doesn’t mind if you are having a Bad Hair day.”

This book is full of precious moments and words capturing the essence of what an awesome friend and Company Girl are!
These books would be a great giftset paired together! I love them both!
I’d love to hear if you gift them to a friend in your life!
{A couple of books I love about friendship are in these blogposts and they are Girls’ Club and Never Unfriended}