Now in theory, it sounded easy. Quickly choose and post fourteen of my own personal favorite blog posts that I composed and hit the publish button on in 2014.
Starting to browse back through 2014 and choose the posts became a different story.
There’s so much heart and meaning in our own personal stories. Lots of the stuff here at A Delightful Glow doesn’t affect or mean that much to all that many people. Yet, we each have our own stories intertwined in our lives and when its “ours” it means a lot. Whether we blog about our life or our faith or our decor or saving money or good deals or ranch or farm or big city life or hairstyling or modesty or clothing or whatever it may be, there is a part of ourselves that goes into each post. When I click the blue publish button, there’s a part of me colored into it.
Through ups and downs, valleys and hills, as we live our lives, we create story. We make memories, we dream dreams, we work through rough times, ever composing, ever changing, Living! Life doesn’t always come about the way we think it might. When my farmer and I look back over our lives, we’ve seen dreams fulfilled, we’ve seen a lot of events happen and we’ve had a lot of things turn out in very unexpected and even undesired ways. Yet is is OUR story and I do embrace it. All of it. The good and the not so good, the fun and the not-at-all fun.
As 2014 ends, embrace YOUR story and cling to our God. Step into 2015 with trust in Him and for Him and of Him! Remember the goodness and the blessedness, the lessons and the growth from experiences in 2014. Peace to you!
My narrowed-down-chosen-out-filtered-through list-of-favorites for two thousand fourteen
One ~ The Heroes Close to Us
Sometimes I miss the best things that are right under my nose. Sometimes I get tangled up and out of focus.
Two ~ The Weather Outside Was Frightful
The fun and delight of youth and memories.
Three ~ My Painted Basement Cupboards Project
So glad to get things accomplished. to FEEL like getting things accomplished. It’s been a year in many ways for sure!
Four ~ Because Chocolate Bunnies Are Important
The unexpected traditions and delight in the simplest things.
Five ~ Let’s Play With Pop-Pops
Our anniversary. Taking time to relax. Taking time to be thankful. Not knowing what was just around the bend.
Six ~ God Doesn’t Need Super Glue, He Just Needs Yielded
My God is awesome.
Seven ~ Reflections from the Bean Field
Sights and sounds from our life.
Eight ~ My Pouffe
Still love it!
Nine ~ Do You Want to Cut Some Milo?
One and a two, and a one, two, three……….
Ten ~ Our Guest Room Makeover
Creating Home…….remember what The Nester says, “It doesn’t have to be perfect, to be beautiful.”
Eleven ~ Playing in the Creek
Childhood, sunshine, splashing………
Twelve ~ Memoir Monday 44 and Memoir Monday 32
Memoir Mondays are special to me. Even at times when I feel like it can’t be Monday again already!
These hold some favorite photos and favorite memories too.
Time with my man. Time with my children.
Thirteen ~ Because He Died For Me
There are no words to express the myriad of emotions.
Fourteen ~ Because Mamas Do a Lot
No matter what age your children are.
YES! It was hard to narrow it down and I even had a tie or two, but I kept closing tabs and ignoring them and only kept one tie.
What is among your favorite memories and your experiences from your past year?
1 Peter 5:10-11
But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you.
To him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.
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