Hello to family and fun and laughter and playing with cousins! Hello to togetherness and hello to time to go home. Hello to too many miles and hello to the ability to travel. Hello to my family all spending Christmas in Kansas with us! Hello to Legos and hours spent playing. Hello to kiddos bundling up and going out to the trampoline, even though it was COLD! Hello to yummy food and recipes of my Grandma’s. Hello to giving gifts and opening gifts. Hello to singing Christmas carols and listening to Christmas carols. Hello to Mexican food and to rollerskating at our small, hometown rink. Hello to playing games and watching movies. Hello to loving my new kitchen more than ever. Hello to some fusses when small people are tired and have had maybe too much togetherness. 🙂 Hello to coffee and hot tea and wassail! Hello to an afternoon and a grab bag gift exchange with special friends! Hello to making pretzel candies. Hello to working on plumbing at my brother’s house. Hello to staying healthy. Hello to taking pictures and hello to all the times I’d have liked to pick up my camera, but was busy with other details. Hello to being so thankful all week for a warm, cozy home.
Hello to the end of 2012! Hello to a new year dawning! Hello to white snowflakes floating lazily down this morning!
Hello to being blessed and being thankful! Though we face many challenges and we struggle and things don’t always work out how we’d like and life doesn’t always run in the direction we would choose, we realize how very blessed we are and we choose {most of the time} to focus on the good and lean hard on Him through the bad. As 2013 slips in tonight may it bring you happiness, blessings, and bright, fresh pages to fill. May the Lord work mightily in all our lives in 2013!
Linking up with Lisa!

Sound like you had a blessed Christmas! Glad your family could come out!! We have been listening to snow plows scraping by & four wheelers pulling sleds,{and sad little boys who wish they were out there too}! Yay for good health! 8days later and I {think} they are almost better!?! Praising God for our Blessing in 2012 and Trusting Him for 2013!! 🙂
Glad your boys are better. Sickness and the holidays all too often go hand in hand and it is not fun.
Hopefully you get some sledding in! I bet the snow there is beautiful!
🙂 So so fun to be there and enjoy time together, your lovely new home, and fun with friends too! I miss you all already – oh those miles between! Now that I’m all rested up from a night with my own bed and pillow i’d love to come over for the afternoon!! 🙂
I know. Glad we can travel, but living close is better.
Sounds like you all had a lovely time.
Those cameras are a tricky thing – you want to capture the memories but you also want to live the moment and be a part of it.
We did have a very fun and blessed time!