Catching my attention on this Wednesday in July

What am I inputting?
How might a slight shift in perspective help me see things from a different angle?
What is breathing beauty into my day?
What made me laugh recently?
Could I break out a puzzle or game for brain exercise?
What have I been savoring?
Have I taken time to be grateful?
Who can I bless with a prayer, kind words, a smile, a gift, time?
What are the words running through the constant inner dialogue in my head?
Does it matter if the sink pulses with dirty dishes?
Have I been creating or taking time for life giving activities?
Am I remembering who gives strength for my weaknesses and lifts my head?
Psalm 20:5 ~ “Let us shout for joy at your victory and lift the banner in the name of our God.”
What’s catching your attention today?! Whether it’s spots on a ladybug’s wings, a gleaming clean floor, tomatoes fresh from the garden, a new purple martin house, big exciting news, or a favorite playlist, may your day be blessed by it!