Hello Monday!
What did you do last week?
We had a busy week…it’s that time of year…spring is here by the calendar and the days are promising spring as well and life gets busier…
The April flexi-of-the-month has arrived. Hop over here to take a peek!
We were blessed by the safe arrival of another new niece! Praise God! She lives a few hours away from us, but we were able to load up and take a quick trip to see her. It’s so special to see a newborn baby. This niece, who does live close by, is growing all too quickly…
We pulled this trailer load home when we returned from seeing the new baby! Quite the combination. 🙂 It made me smile. A mower to help out with the mowing around here and a motorcycle that belongs to my brother-in-law. The youngest brother in my husband’s family {and the new daddy} is a great mechanic, but he is a few hours away. That means that his brothers haul things back and forth, on occasion, for him to work on for them. We bought this tractor and mower and they just happened to be close to where he lives, so he’d been storing them for us. His wife will be glad to have an emptier garage!
Hello to trying out the “new” little tractor and dragging the driveway! Hello to the photographer laughing hysterically at her farmer on the tractor. {The photographer likes the John Deere B, that lives on the farm, better.}
We went to put fertilizer on our circle…
We got licked and loved by a puppy…
We tried out the glider for the porch that my brother kindly lent us…
We made chocolate shakes…we jumped on the trampoline…we moved all the Legos from the basement, back upstairs…we had a favorite spatula’s handle snap completely in half…we spent an afternoon with the baby niece that lives here and helped her mama clean floors in their basement…we met friends and ate at McDonalds and went to a bike/motorcycle jump event…we drilled some oats…
We read about the crucifixion and we celebrated Easter!
Happy new week!
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Sounds like a fun and busy week! That baby is beautiful! I got to hold a baby all through church yesterday but she is a bit bigger than a newborn!
It’s fun to cuddle any baby. I love tiny babies, but I think they are more fun as they get older. Our 4 1/2 month-old niece is so. much. fun.
Love the shots of your new niece; congrats! Oh, and that dog shot is so cute!
Thanks! We were glad to get to visit our new niece.
My daughter very much loves our puppy. 🙂
Sounds like a nice robust week! I live in the city now but grew up around farms. Your photos remind me of home.
I didn’t grow up on a farm, but I love many things about farming and am thankful to live in the country.
I grew up in the country and around farms, although my husband thinks where I grew up can hardly be called country. 🙂 Ohio is much more populated than here in Kansas.
How nice of your brother to lend the porch glider to you!Don’t you wish it could talk and share with you all the happenings it has seen. New little niece looks so adorable and I love Tucker’s expression when he is holding her. Just can’t come up with a word for it. He and Tiger sure look comfy sitting on the glider. Would be fun to hear any remarks that may have been made by people who passed you on your way home with your interesting load. And I’m loving the green wheat field around your farm. Love the weekly updates.
I love the green wheat field by my house too. It is by far our best looking wheat this year. It was drilled pretty thick and fertilized well, because it is so sandy right here and my farmer wanted a good stand of wheat to keep it from blowing. We wish all our fields looked like this. 🙂
It was very nice of my bro, to lend us the glider and it is fun to have something on our porch to sit on. Come try it out!
Tucker held the baby long enough for pictures and then he was soon done. {He’d rather hold Tiger.}
Thank you so much for givong me the heads-up about the link-up issues last week. I’m glad you gave it another try despite the bumps in the road.
Your family is adorable (THAT BABY! Goodness.) and I hope you had a happy Easter.
It always takes a little to get stuff ironed out and working it seems. At least for me…especially when it is new to me! 🙂
We’re loving having baby nieces in our family!
I always love your posts. It’s so fun to see your farm life and all your beautiful pictures of your family! I forgot you had a beagle like ours, lol!
I got to cuddle with a three month old baby girl on Sunday. She’s so precious. Her momma loves her but graciously is so willing to share her. I couldn’t hold her long because of my back, but it was fun while it lasted!
Thanks so much for linking up to “Making Your Home Sing Monday” today! 🙂