“Being scared isn’t really that much different than being scarred.”
I read it on Ann Voskamp’s blog. It’s true.
I nod my head. Read further.
Tears prick my eyelids and squeeze at the corners.
Scared and scarred both carry trauma and pain.
Truth is, it doesn’t even have to be big or deeper traumas.
It shows up in different ways for each of us, yet myriad upon myriad of possibilities.
Perhaps what you’re facing, what scares you, what scars you, plays out as one of these scenarios…..
Scared because of unkind words.
Scarred from the accusing email landing in the inbox.
Scared of the rude questions.
Scared of the relationship that always results in pain.
Scared by the teen who seems to be imploding and consequently exploding all over everyone else.
Scarred by the parent, not physically abusive, but emotionally so.
Scarred by the hoping and hoping and dreaming and praying, yet never to be.
Scarred by adoration turned to abhorrence.
Scared of the emotions and anger and frustration that brims and billows inside.
Scarred by the too-many graves you’ve stood beside.
Scarred in an actual physical mark you still carry on your body….abuse, a mean dog, an accident.
Scared of unknowns.
Scared of the loss of control.
Scarred by the vitriol and criticism spewed all over you.
Scared of abandonment.
Scarred by perfectionism.
We could list and list and list.
This I know. Scared and scarred are part of the human experience.
Perhaps this awareness can grow us in gentleness and tenderness for the people we encounter.
Perhaps direct us into the gentle arms of our Jesus, who knows scared and scarred in greater depth than any of us, who empathizes with us in our pain, our trauma, who wept in a garden, and pleaded for the passing from Him of what lay ahead.
He faced off with fear, His visage was disfigured beyond recognition, yet, still He healed the severed ear of the servant, His heart ached for Peter’s heartbreak, and He met a thief that very day in Paradise.
Scared and scarred create gateways of welcome.
Gratitude List:
- beautiful music
- flower bouquets
- new decking going on our back deck
- anticipation of a road trip with my dearie girl {I’m going to be just like her when I grow up}
- modern medicine
- memes that make me laugh
- cheese and crackers
- cupcakes with frosting
- our local coffeeshop that celebrated its five-year anniversary this month
- creative endeavors and insightful conversation
- a family group text with my parents and siblings and nieces
- cool air + open windows
- pedicure + shiny polish
- the book of Hebrews
- my citrus press
- campfires
- bookstacks

I’m going to be just like her when I grow up.
It’s miracle to get to mother one of your now very best friends.
I’ve told her I will pay for therapy for all the mistakes I’ve made, still make.
There will always be in her a bit of my three-year-old girl who I used to hug and cuddle.
Conversations with her are my favorite. Her insight is 🔥.
Her imagination, intellect, curiosity, gratitude, and finding beauty in the ordinary spark inspiration in firework display.
She drives motorcycles, bicycles, 18-wheelers, jetskis, and ripsticks.
She arranges flowers and plays violin.
She sings and dances on the patio when no one is watching…… except for me from the kitchen window.
She grows flowers and trains Jackie and reads every single day.
She is for wonder and kindness and laughter.
She speaks life into others.
I’m going to be just like her when I grow up.
Delightful Incidentals:
I recently added this Breville Oven/Air Fryer to my kitchen and I’m already quite delighted with it. It has multiple functions and a variety of rack positions with flippable racks. I’ve baked pumpkin cake, my daughter baked spiced shortbread, and my son turned out a great {from frozen} pizza! 🙂
It toasts and roasts and has a setting for proofing yeast dough.
I anticipate trying the air fryer setting and seeing how it turns out.
Loving this leather theologian keychain!
I ordered these packing cubes in August and used them this month and was truly pleased.
Love this vanilla for baking and for homemade ice cream.
- The U.S. and the Holocaust with Ken Burns and Sarah Botstein
- Goodness with Rachel Ridge
- Being Known Podcast ~ Joy, Shame, and the Brain
- The Mindshift That’s Changing My Work
The U.S. and the Holocaust ~ this new documentary from Ken Burns, a compilation of seven years of work, is incredibly good and filled with so many thinking points. It’s sad and horrifying and sobering.
- The Body Keeps the Score
- Voices of Lament by Natasha Sistrunk Robinson
- Engaging With Faith Family Devotional by Jenifer Metzger
- The Best of You by Dr. Alison Cook
- Your New Playlist by Jon Acuff, L.E. Acuff, and McRae Acuff
- The Ragamuffin Gospel by Brennan Manning
- Breath as Prayer by Jennifer Tucker

The windchime sing-songs outside my window in a low murmur.
Morning speaks lovely and the weather forecast says once again heat will bump the afternoon temperature in the high nineties.
Pork tips are thawing by the sink and crumbs decorate counters and corners.
I hold my mug of coffee and step outside.
Clematis blooms create a crowning wreath across the archway in aching delightful beauty.
Hibiscus blooms uncurl slowly, hinting at hidden color.
Rain has refused and refused and refused our invitation all summer long.
I move the sprinkler and watch the spray glint sunlight. The life-giving drops bring green to this little patch of lawn.
Here’s the always-paradox.
Life is hard.
Life is hurtful.
Life is mundane.
Life is questions.
Life is anguish.
Life is painful.
Life is hope.
Life is beautiful.
Life is today.
Life is learning.
Life is gift.
Life is in our Jesus.
“God invites us to turn to each other as ones in whom Christ dwells as living homes of God to confess His goodness until we begin to believe it.”
~ Emily P. Freeman