We struggle with bike tires around here.
We also struggle with sandburrs and stickers.
I think the second struggle strongly affects the first struggle.
Our kiddos didn’t ride their bikes very much this last fall. It seemed like the tires were always needing air and the bikes themselves were really being outgrown. Our son’s bike just didn’t ride very well either. It was hard to pedal and that’s really not a whole lot of fun. All of their bikes have been fixer-uppers and come from here and there.
A couple of summers ago they rode bikes a lot. I enjoyed watching them. And I missed seeing them on bikes. Their Dad decided it was time for new bikes, so we incorporated them into their birthdays. And they are supposed to be equipped with heavy duty tubes that stickers aren’t supposed to bother. We’ll see. Hope, hope, hoping they work! Daddy is teaching R&T to check the air pressure in their bike tires and keep them aired up. Having too little air in the tire is the main culprit for causing problems in these heavy duty tubes and tires. Unless of course you bike across a nail or spike or something of that nature. They are, unfortunately, not, that heavy duty.
I’m excited to see my kiddos biking again. And the bicycles will come in handy for riding back and forth between houses while we’re up to our ears in this house project.
I got a good chuckle out of the girl/boy differences. My daughter rode pristinely around, pedaling her bike and just riding. My son rode, pedaling off of the seat most of the time, exerting much energy and stamina and even some sound effects! Watching them was just so great!
Yay for bikes! Fun to see. And that boy/girl difference will probalby only continue to increase as they get older!!!
Other than the stickers and burrs, it looks like you guys have a wonderful place to ride bikes!
It is fun for the kids and one great thing about living in the country and on a farm!
NICE BIKES! I like them. Love the pictures. Enjoyed seeing a sunny day which we haven’t seen very often for a while. I can imagine the sound effects especially in the pic where brother is speeding away from the camera and standing up on the pedals. Also noticed the difference in coats—-sister is bundled up with gloves and hat—-brother has his coat hanging open and no gloves or hat—–love it!
Great comparison of their coats! 🙂
It’s so great that your children have a safe space to ride!
Yep, it is nice. A blessing of living in the country!