Summer time and ice cream.
They go together!
I have a fun and free printable for you, if you’d like to use it!
I actually made and used this printable back in the winter! Haha!
It was fun to do.
They doubled as name tags and I had fun detailing them with ribbons and paper clips.
We had everyone circle their choices and then we custom created banana splits for everyone.
Banana splits are actually a super simple dessert because you can grab all the ingredients at the store and there’s not much prep involved ahead of time. AND everyone can choose what fits their taste! To be honest, I’m not that crazy about banana and I opt out. SO, I have a bananaless split. I guess that would equate to a regular ole sundae!! {grins and giggles}
My farmer man loves banana with ice cream and his son firmly follows in this taste as well.
To print out your own Banana Split menus go over here! The only catch is you’ll have to want to use the same topping options as we used or get creative in changing it after it’s printed, cause they are what they are!! 🙂 And we totally stray from the original pineapple/strawberry/chocolate options.
You’ll need to download the menu to your computer and then print it from there! I printed 4 on a page and printed them as a 4×6 size.
{This isn’t quite in season, but there are Thanksgiving printables here and a Christmas one here.}
I’d love to hear your favorite ice cream flavor…………..or your favorite toppings for ice cream. You can obviously tell what some of ours are. 😉