I’m sharing some pictures of one of my inspired rooms in my home! I’m joining in on the inspired room tour over at The Inspired Room blog in honor of Melissa Micheal’s new book which released this month! The book’s title is The Inspired Room. I pre-ordered it a while back from CBD and I’m anxiously awaiting its arrival! {And that is a lot of room inspiration in these few sentences!}
This is her new book in this picture! Isn’t it gorgeous?! I am all about pretty books. A good book that is pretty = winning combination!
You can purchase the book over here on Amazon.
And I’m also swooning over this quote from Melissa’s book launch post ~
That house was a perfect house whether you liked food or sleep or storytelling or singing or reading or just sitting and thinking best, or a pleasant mixture of them all. Merely to be there was a cure to weariness. ~ J.R.R. Tolkien
Ah yes!!! A perfect summation of home. I love it. SO MUCH.
Do you remember the giveaway we had in June for Melissa Micheal’s other book, Love the Home You Have? I really love it and you can go over to the giveaway post and read a bit about it, even though the giveaway is long over and you can’t enter it anymore.
There IS a giveaway over at The Inspired Room until November 10th. {It’s a good one!} To enter, you get to share about a room in your home that is your very own inspired room! Hop over there if you want to participate!
The inspired room I’m sharing a bit about is a combination guest room/studio/craft room!
I recently did some rearranging and some decorating and started using it for my work area for blogging and for photography for my Yarn Alongs and for crafting.
I’ve been excited about the space. I moved the bookshelf in and loaded it with my favorite books and Bible studies and fun stuff. I’m thinking I may repaint the bookshelf and possibly the desk at some point. For now, I’m enjoying the changes and the area.
This post shows some of the changes to this room that I made around two years ago. Sometimes it would be nice to snap my fingers and have everything redone just how I want it. But another part of me thoroughly enjoys watching how spaces change and emerge over time. Creating home and spaces you love is fun!
If you want to tour our farmhouse, you can take that journey in this post!
I mentioned in one of my Monday posts that I’d hung the big fan in the guest room above the bed. I really like it there. The unique features of it and the happy colors just add a fun twist to the room.
Morty wanted to pose for some of the pictures. He looks too adorable tucked on the bed. Especially next to a pillow with “M” for Morty!!
I love the umbrella hanging on the door. My brother gave it to me for Christmas several years ago. I am a Mary Poppins fan and somehow it makes me think of her.
The old photo on the suitcases nightstand is of one of my aunts. Isn’t she so pretty? She died from cancer thirteen years ago. She was a special person.
The tricycle sign I had hanging in my son’s room at our old house. He has outgrown it, or rather cares about creating his own space now, compared to when he was small. I still love it and thought it added a fun touch to this room.
I feel a bit more put together since this space happened. In late spring, I revived my love for paper and mail and stickers and made a point to send happy mail to some dear friends and family. I was also making some of these paper flowers and other various things. It has just been really fun to have everything more centrally located. My gift wrapping boxes and paper and ribbons are in here too.
It all makes me smile. Hooray!

So fun to see this. That bookcase! Lots of history there! It was in my very first home and was made by my new husband. Fun memories. The fan is so pretty. Every time I see Morty I just want to give him a squeeze! I just like everything about this room. Looks like a good place to work.
I didn’t realize the history the bookshelf has! I never knew Dad made it.How fun!
Morty has been lots of fun. 🙂